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  • Help!

    10. 20. 2005 03:03

How does the website "Points" and "Exp" work...and why does it show me level 1??

  • Re : Help!

    10. 20. 2005 03:05

lol that got me when I first login..

actually these EXP and points are not in game exp points.. they are forum points and exp/lvl...... you gain by posting USEFUL info(not spamming) and they might have some reward in the future(The only thing I see now is the lottery but you need like 100+ starting thread or 1k post to use it...(6am... havn't sleep.. maybe I miscounted)

  • Re : Help!

    10. 20. 2005 03:05

click the view forum guide ^^^
you get Forum Points and EXP for posting and getting thank yous etc


2) Forum Guides
a. Level, Exp and Point explanation
Level : A member's level, rises as exp are earned.
Exp : Exp gain is based on a member's activity in the community.
Member's also raise their level based on this exp.
Point : Members gain points based on their activities in the community.
b. Level increasing
Level 1 to 10 : One level up for every 100 exp.
After level 10 : One level up for every 200 exp.
c. Gaining and losing exp / point
<Gaining Exp and Point>
- 10 points and exp for posting one topic in the forum.
- 1 point and exp for replying to the topic.
- 5 points and exp for receiving "Recommendations" from other players in "Tip and Tactics" or "Suggestions" forum.
- 10 point and exp for receiving "Thank you" from the questioner in the "Technical Support" forum.
- You will not receive any points or exp in the "Event Board" or "Live Polls" activity.
<Losing Exp and Point>
- 10 points and exp loss for a deleted topic in the forum.
- 1 points and exp loss for a deleted reply in a topic.
- 15 points and exp loss if the topic is deleted by Team N.F. (Abusing or spamming)
- 3 points and exp loss if a reply is deleted by Team N.F. (Abusing or spamming)