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  • How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 02:52

Ya im curious how come TNF keep's worrying about newb's and there missions? why not make something for us? something new? i really appriciate the OP-convoy and the new DD's but can we please see something new?

  • Re : How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 04:20

TNF is a noob therefore he looks after noobs...simple?

  • Re : How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 04:07

I just used to use my own scout for aa practice but it was quite costly in terms of experts and credits.

  • Re : How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 03:47

Then please give us a enviroment to practice AA shooting.
That is something for new and older players.

  • Re : How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 03:03

The purpose for the new low level mission is giving more environment practice for firing target. It is not the purpose for you to make a lot of credits or points.

For the high Lv mission, the purpose is for testing your equipment setting, it also is not the purpose for you to make a lot of credits or points.

If you need more credits or points, please play more on the regular game and be active during the game. This is the positive thought to earn credits or points. I have enough experence for the players just play in mission and less and less ALL ROOM in the server. The mission is just helping you, the main playing method in NF is fighting to players, not NPC.


  • Re : How come TNF keep's making newbie misson's?

    10. 21. 2005 02:55

i would like to suggest more new mission...