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  • TeamNF take action to spammer!

    10. 22. 2005 08:20

First, the exp/point system is to award those who make useful reply and help other solve question on the forum, and to make the forum more active by attracting players to check the forum more.

But now people keep spamming and making some useless post like some "guide" which don't really needed and not really a guide....... do you think they trying to help you? They trying to get the 10 points by making a new post only.

And the lottery which was design for people spent a lot of time on the forum for positive purpose, they choose to spend their time here to help others, help community grow or answer questions rather than doing missions. So they get the money prize or vet for their time. Lvl 11 is hard to reach and need a lot of post, but now only day 2? already have some people reach lvl 11 by spamming for sure, this make unfair to all NF players since only they can play the lottery and they did nothing good for the community and forum.

So I request TEAMNF/MODS to take action to these spammers, it is impossible for you to reach that lvl at this moment without spamming, what you did is just like cheating/hacking in the game. And don't let the whole community see your useless post since now.


  • Re : TeamNF take action to spammer!

    10. 23. 2005 00:21

I say we should make the next week or so "spam week" and just allow everyone to spam as much as they want UNTIL they reach level 11.

Then, once we got that out of our system we delete all the threads and start over.

  • Re : TeamNF take action to spammer!

    10. 23. 2005 00:14

hmmm it is easy to define who is spamming who is helping

some people act like helping people but keep saying rubbish you can easily see it.

  • Re : TeamNF take action to spammer!

    10. 22. 2005 08:43

its a good idea.but i think whats hard for the TNF to do is identify which is which. at some point, its ok..if ever a player spams regularly by posting guides, these will be soon helpful to some.thats what i think.cause theyll be used to putting up a return they wont be mindin the exp they get for theyre avatars.
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