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  • The Nebraska FF War

    03. 23. 2011 20:44

We of Arizona players have been far too long without an FF war.. Its time to host
one again.

I have planned to start the FF war on Saturday of April 2nd, at 6:30 PM (EST).

There will be two battles, prizes will be awarded to the players with the highest
attack on Alpha and Bravo per battle.

1. It is FF only(Participants may not use turtle ship). If for whatever reason you
choose to try and sneak a non-FF in then you will be kicked after I close the room
and I will NOT open it for you.
2. No HH are allowed. I initially wanted it to be no PHH but there is no way to tell
them apart.
3. No intentional TKing. If I find you doing so then you will be disqualified and
possibly banned from any future events of mine. If I can get you server kicked then I
4. The room will be hosted in Area 12.
5.Do NOT spam in the room while we wait for the room to fill/close. I will be going
over some of the rules again.
6. I reserve the right to ban any player I find being disruptive. If you are unsure,
then I suggest shutting up and not causing me any trouble when the room is open.
7. I, and another mod(dampre), will be referee-ing the event in Turtle Ships. When
a side reaches 15 frigates left then the Turtle Ship on that side will enter the battle.
As for the prizes, I will start off the pool with 3million credits and 1 million points. I
will open a trade room in Area 18 10 minutes before the event starts as a donation
room. ONLY GIVE DONATIONS TO ME. I will then write down a list of who donated
and what amount for confirmation.
8. If you win in both battles then you get a chance to 1v1 me in a frigate vs frigate
match for bragging rights.

I sincerely hope TNF can help out with some prizes too.

After the event, it would be great if we could storm some Great Battles with our


Hey All!

I've been able to have some prizes approved for this event!

1st place on each team: Choice of Turtle Ship or DDMP
2nd place on each team: Donating 1m to credit pool


Event Coordinator

1st Battle:
1st place- Nopyo and Galle
2nd place- Blackproject and Nitroxx

2nd Battle:
1st place- Nitroxx and Blackproject
2nd place- Battletoad and Fofo44


Blackproject - 2 Million credits
Gunsgoboom - 1 credit!
Pablosonico6 - 50 Thousand credits
Dampre - 5 Million credits.
Blackofheart - 112 Thousand credits

Thank you for being generous! Especially you Gunsgoboom :P
Round 1 -
Round 2 -

  • Re : The Nebraska FF War

    03. 23. 2011 22:19

Good stuff Firez, Ill give you some credits for the prize but It wont be as much as it
used to be. Starting to run short.

  • Re : The Nebraska FF War

    03. 23. 2011 22:04

how is the winner detemined?
also its on my birthday do i get to insta win?

  • Re : The Nebraska FF War

    03. 23. 2011 21:54

Checking on Prizes and pinned until the event date.

  • Re : The Nebraska FF War

    03. 23. 2011 21:09

what about escorts? you failed to mention anything about those, unless i missed something.
Considering its an FF war escorts would have more effect on the battle compared to other

(this is assuming you make a room where escorts are allowed in)
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