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  • Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 14:59

Lately I've been noticing something while playing my Lexy and having a 120 scout
aboard. This isn't a whine thread so don't get excited.

So here's what I've noticed. I can outrun US T4's with my 120 scouts and I can
actually see them gaining distance.

In the same situation versus MN T4's the T4's seem to gain and shoot them down.
The UK fighters seem about the same.

My scouts:
Max Speed - 700

Enemy Fighters:
P-51B (Won't catch up)
Max Speed - 660

VB-10C (Catches up)
Max Speed - 655

Tempest F.MK II (Same speed)
Max Speed - 650

So, has anyone else noticed that the speeds aren't as indicated?

P.S. I'd also like to point out that the ship trees may be out of date. At least for US.
^ Look at the Sodak and NorCa

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 30. 2011 06:22

MN T4 are not that slow. They are also capable of killing T5 scouts. But takes a little
longer to do so compared with US/IJN FP's. Against UK/KM T5 scouts it's much easier.

engaged speed =/= non-engaged speed.

All planes go faster when engaged, even bombers...

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 30. 2011 03:13

Yeah Fara, saw the same, the US t4 FP gots a big speed boost when he큦 locked,
my MN t4 are way slower once they lock on an enemy plane.

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 30. 2011 01:44

League is over, so time to spill the beans as it were.

US and IJN T4 fighters and T5 scouts are faster than the other nations.

US/IJN T4 fighters while technically slower than UK/MN/KM T5 scouts are acctually faster
after "locking on" and engaging, they get a speed attack boost as it were (as all fighters
do). The simple fact US and IJN have just enough speed to catch a straight flying T5 of
the other nations.

Also because of the US/IJN T5 scout speed, UK/KM/MN fighters T4 even with engage speed
can't catch US/IJN scouts... ever (unless you attack head on at same height).

This is is why during Yo/Mo fleet league BlackSun and Armada Hispania (ie the 2 finalists)
both used only IJN or US cv's. This data is relavent as of ... well last Sunday 27th March


  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 23:53

Congratulations, you found a ninja nerf.

I remembered the days where belt acted like bulge past .2
15" made you invincible to everything but HAing CLs, BBs, and 9000 torpedos. Never had so
much fun dueling CAs in my APA.

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 23:41

Well the IJN scout has a speed of 690 but still... A fighter with 660 shouldn't be

And it's not even really about the scouts. When players are picking a nation to level
they want to see the nations real advantages and disadvantages in writing.

*Edit* SoblueGM said that the data matches from the website to the actual plane
data though he'll conduct some tests.

How is this phenomenon happening then? It's beginning to be more apparent and
not just a matter of misjudgment.

Could it be that the scouts are slowing down like some bombers do on their return
home? Is the speed a variable?

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 22:49

In the MO Fleet League final matches I was using my IJN 120lvl scout and he got shot down
from US T4s like some normal scout. I was contriling him but It was useless. The US T4s just
came from behind catch up and shot him down in no time.

It would be nice if SDE would keep us informed about every change they are making to the
game stats =.=
Well we can dream...

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 20:42

Ill have to keep my eye out for it I guess. I dont use T4 fighters or T5 scouts though.

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 19:38


When? Was it an official patch or a ninja?

After playing some more since I originally created this thread it appears that yes,
indeed, MN T4's can catch up. We're talking straight line, medium altitude, no player
controlling it. I'd like to show it but I don't have fraps.

  • Re : Fighter speeds.

    03. 29. 2011 18:44

Aircraft stats were updated.

Anyway I have never seen a T5 scout chased down by anything but locals.
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