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  • Burning Experts

    05. 03. 2011 21:51


I just went through probably close to 1500 exps to get 30 vets on lvl 70ish sailors
with premium account. Anyone else have bad conversion stories or conv. horror

  • Re : Burning Experts

    05. 03. 2011 22:38

@Kyeld...I dont spent money for experts...all experts which I burn was experts from
AAing and experts which I got in events... In some days I recieve more than 1500
experts with is not about money to have overvetted crews... ;-)

  • Re : Burning Experts

    05. 03. 2011 22:34

Ahhh the money pit that is the Navyfield vetting system. If this game were subscription
based(lol ignore that most serious players already pay 9 dollars a month), imagine how
much money you would save.

  • Re : Burning Experts

    05. 03. 2011 22:30

In my statistic was conversation rate about 3,4% with veted up to 100 vets, with
premium account and no event (conv. boost). It is based on about 30.000 burned

Interesting is that in event time (conv. rate +50%, +100%) was this rate same
about 3,4% with same veted account... =)

In some time I have conv. rate about 0, some time about 10%...but in long term was
conv. rate as I wrote above... ;-)

I think that your rate 2% is OK because it is very low volume to make good statistic ;-

And iteresting is that conv. rate was same for veted up sailors with 110+ vets
and same for sailors with 190+ vets...Thats mean for me that conv. rate doesn큧
matter on how many vets you have on sailor if sailor has more than 110 vets...But
maybe someone else had another results... =)

  • Re : Burning Experts

    05. 03. 2011 22:22

i usually wait for events when they have the big "vets convertion" with premium account
and 1500 experts,= win.
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