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  • Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 11:38

On what qualifications do you think the best cv driver has to have?

1) Does he/she have to have a good attitude?
2) Exceptionally good CV driver with all nation cvs?
3) Better than all other CV drivers in the game but just with one nation?
4) Best Harbor Assault CV that everyone wants on his or her team?
5) Able to be in the Harbor Tile during the Harbor Assault and effectively micromanage
your planes to scout, while up against 3 lvl 120 cvs, while your team only has 2 cvs?
6) Able to give FC and scouting at the same time in every game?
7) Able to play without zooming out?
8) Always able to scout with lower tier fighters or bombers against higher tier fighters
or bombers?
9) Able to scout exceptionally well while forum trolling?
10) Never plays with any armor?
11) Always plays with some kind of armor setup?
12) Able to dodge torpedoes the best?
13) Exceptionally good CV with at level pilots/seamen on ships?
14) Able to play without using the # hotkeys for planes?
15 In the Navyfield Hall of Fame?
16) An exceptionally good teamplayer all the time, in every game mode?
17) Able to drag your planes off the map completely?
18) Able to boarder hump planes?
19 Able to diver bomber whore exceptionally well and effectively and scout?
20) Able to torp bomber whore exceptionally well and effectively and scout?
21) Able to fighter whore exceptionally well and effectively and scout?
22) Best Fleet League CV where everyone wants him/her on their team?
23) Able to play with no sound at all?
24) Able to play while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and scout effectively?
25) Has the best winning percentage as a CV driver?
26) Able to play CV for atleast 12+ hours on a daily basis?
27) Able to scout exceptionally well with only 3-4 fighter pilots?
28) Able to play effectively without using the grouping box by allowing you to select all
the planes in the area?
29) Is the best in cv only rooms game in and game out?
30) Is able to take out bbs with the guns on a cv, not planes?
31) Able to use smoke effectively?
32) Able to use 3-4 bombers only and scout effectively?
33) Able to Manuel torp bomb effectively?
34) Able to Manuel dive bomb effectively?
35) Is able to use scout planes only, non tier 5's, and scout effectively?
36) Able to play effectively without zooming out?
37) able to use hedgehogs effectively?
38) Able to TK teammates without them realizing it?
39) Able to fighter camp enemy cv(s) game in and game out effectively?
40) Able to camp enemy cv(s) with only bombers game in and game out effectively?
41) Able to camp enemy cv(s) with only scouts, non tier 5's, game in and game out effectively?
42) Able to use mines very effectively with scouts in any game mode?
43) Able to use Skytrains effectively in Harbor Assaults?
44) Have all nations tier 6 cvs?
45) Other (you decide and explain)

It can be a combination of any of these, you decide.

Again this is not for people to show their e-penis's but if you want to you can. I really
don't care.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 18:13

Being me


  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 17:36

There's T4 Fighters, T1 fighters and T5 Scouts which are all fair play in a HA, despite
the planes being out of whack with the regular T2/3.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 17:17

T5 Scouts are the new fighters. Everyone knows this.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 17:13

lol @ CV's with only Fighters... JontuckerRIP has explicitly told me not to say anymore.

But I can't resist, there are many reasons why Flota Chile or any other fleet living in
the past can lose an HA. One of them being using the wrong planes the wrong way (i've
said too much).

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 16:34

the ones with just F

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 16:31

Wants to win.

End thread.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 16:06

The best CV is the one that can kill enemy CVs the quickest, then scout enemy BBs to hunt

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 15:21


Good CV player on the left, painfully awful CV player on the right.

The generally selfless, in an abstract way, CV player will to go for the team win deserves
massive amounts of respect.

The ones that say "I can play how I want, says so in the rules so I'll load all my planes
onto one pilot..." can go die in a fire.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 13:41

>>The biggest things a CV player needs is situational awareness, the ability to play
>>their chosen roll effectively, and the ability to control multiple groups of planes across
>>different areas of the battle.

Pretty much this.

  • Re : Traits of the Best CV Driver

    05. 09. 2011 13:31

The ability to Troll fail CVs by CODing their FTers then watching them drop out the sky
then killing them with said bombers.

I love doing that one.

Or Bombing a Boarder Humping Bombers PCV and killing him within 2 minutes another favourite.
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