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  • Tell me reason you don't want to play Night Battle

    05. 25. 2011 20:55

Look at the title :)

Best Comment :
You should probably specify if you mean the Night Battle Game Mode or the old school
Normal Night Battles rooms with no scouts at all...

If you are talking about the latter, then I will say that I am normally able to get a few
Normal Night Battle rooms rolling on the weekends (mainly Thursday thru Sunday) for a good
hour or two before people decide to stop having as much fun and go back to the bland,
boring GBII rooms.

Personally I think it would be awesome if Shared Exp rooms were brought back down to be
closer to the exp level as Normal rooms are at (meaning, if Shared Exp was cut roughly in
half to where each player, aside from BBs, get 50% shared exp and 50% earned exp). This
way, it would give players more incentive to play 100% earned exp rooms because there
would be more potential to get more exp than you could get in a Shared Exp room, and it
would help a lot of current BB players learn how to fight blind if they joined Normal
Night Battle rooms. It could also help bring back other rooms such as CL/CA, BB123, and CV

Just my 2 cents as always though.

  • Re : Tell me reason you don't want to play Night Battle

    05. 26. 2011 01:18

because if I didnt want to see anything to begin with there's GB2 dont need a special game
mode to be blind, in all fairness I think most people hate the fact there guidelines are
1/2 personally I love it makes me bring out the H39 with x4 Trip 14.95" heh the KM Monty.


  • Re : Tell me reason you don't want to play Night Battle

    05. 25. 2011 21:15

I dig Night Battles. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 attemtps to get a room going but usually
there are some NB enthusiasts around.

  • Re : Tell me reason you don't want to play Night Battle

    05. 25. 2011 21:05

I like playing old school Night Battles.

  • Re : Tell me reason you don't want to play Night Battle

    05. 25. 2011 20:57

Too many retards play GBs anyway, making it harder on them means less scouting = waste of
my Fing time. Also less exp.
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