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  • Lvl 25 classing limit, destroyed previous hard work.

    05. 29. 2011 14:21

I Just started playig navyfield again after 3 year, i had level 92 neutral which i was
leveling to be a CV BO as at this time neutrals earned more exp than nation sailors. So
you can imagine i was rather annoyed when i found out that you could not nation a sailor
after level 25, whiping out months of previous hard work and leaving me with a completely
useless sailor. Is it even worth getting a support ticket for, is there anyway to get them
to to make it the desired nation?

  • Re : Lvl 25 classing limit, destroyed previous hard work.

    05. 29. 2011 17:28

Heaven forbid having to level through the shipline to get to the next ship... Anyway
unclassed national sailors get the same exp as neutrals.

  • Re : Lvl 25 classing limit, destroyed previous hard work.

    05. 29. 2011 15:00

Welcome to 2 years ago.
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