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  • Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 15:44

this is a comparsion between the US Trip 14", the ones, the only ones that go above 15 dgerees

not the range as compared to the ship

now look at the trip 12"

both these were with light shells

why has the US been nerfed to nothing till you get to lvl 70?

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:14

Mat email me a list with good reasons please :)

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:08

and maybe then you want to list some UK guns that need buffing, cos i can tell you a few.

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 15:54

maby you should also put a up a list of guns that need a debuff?

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 15:50

It has not been nerfed it has always been like this.

However, I have already asked SmEdD to help me set-up a list of guns that need a buff
or a nerf...

I'm still waiting for the list, I don't want to present TNF a purely German buff list...

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 15:45

is it cause tnf hates america?
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