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  • Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 19:49

Agano, as you all know, is one shitty ship that is given up by almost all that have played it. Unlike some other nation's tree, there is no by-passing the Agano, and the Agano never becomes usable at any level when the mogami is the next ship. As of now, the only purpose of Agano is to be remodeled to Oyodo. Even compared to other CL1, the Agano is largely hopeless and even an ndd1 can outdual it often.

So what do we do about it?

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 19:54

we do nothing, just don't use it.

best way round this problem, if u think it is a problem

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 19:54

you can use it as a torp whore like 1 person I saw use it.

Had the torp launchers no guns, and was able to go 68 knots I think.
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