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  • Hackshield ,what about experts mission?

    03. 20. 2011 11:52

According to Yuno, the main reason for the experts mission removal was to prevent
bot/macro user who takes advantage doing "nothing" and benefiting.
The Hackshield patch is supposed to detect and not let any 3rd party cheating tools while
NF is running.

Now, that there is an anti cheat device that "detect" and report when something unusual
happens. Is the argument removing experts aa mission vs bot longer valid?

If it is the case, would making experts gain be possible?

Or was I fooled because the real reason was, SDE noticed that they could make potential
profit and that is the real reason?

  • Re : Hackshield ,what about experts mission?

    03. 20. 2011 12:52

While they did blame botters for this that was never the real reason for taking experts
out of missions. Either way you look at it though it put a very unfair burden on CVs and
gave rise to some very greedy and careless AA players.

  • Re : Hackshield ,what about experts mission?

    03. 20. 2011 12:29

Yes we were fooled. How much you want to bet that they'll use the "disrupt regular game
flow" excuse again?

  • Re : Hackshield ,what about experts mission?

    03. 20. 2011 11:55

Would definitly be nice to see experts put back into missions (particularly with new
nation release) as it gives people the ability to expert up their sailors without massive
leveling from GBII experience, as well as help those players that would rather spend the
money on elite sailors and boosts rather than massive amounts of experts/vets.
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