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  • Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 02:27

After last weeks Debarcle why has Network been allowed to declare on a harbour
following the 30 min members for an attacking fleet ruling?
Network (according to the rankings) has 4 members?

Will TNF and SDE step in again? this is getting ridiculous...
I have a fleet of over 150 members and cannot get a declaration in due to a 4 man
fleet taking a spot on a harbour declaration....

Surely after last weeks bans Sde and Tnf should step in here?

And No I dont hate Rehor, Im just seeing if last weeks judgement meant anything
and why is it ok for Rehor and his Fleet to Blatently break the rules especially after
they were banned last week for doing the same. Now they are definately wasting
other fleets time.

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 05:08

We should recruit relic. They got numbers but no skill too.

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:57

JAJAJAJA Recruita Drive!

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:43

>>I have a fleet of over 150 members and cannot get a declaration in due to a 4 man
>>fleet taking a spot on a harbour declaration....

Numbers mean something now?
So if Jedi had declared, you'd still be whining because you have twice the people we

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:40

then open the damn mn and sn harbours??

oh wait they dont know how? lol

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:36

Something is going wrong here.
HA is made for larger group of players, atm you need to click declare within the first
5 seconds to be successful.

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:30

Fawk doesn't have 30 players? Or at the very least they didn't have more than 30 the last
number of HA's they have participated in, neither did NF Elite when they attacked London.

So are all of these fleets breaking rules and wasting time? meh clearly Rehor has tasted
Rentals leveling and wants more!

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:29

rehor, if you need my other accounts are ready to join Network and help to fill 30
fleet members limit. And I will be ready to use my minesweepers in HA/HT too ;-)

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 04:18

All I am saying is that at time of declarations Network Fleet has a total of four
The rules state 30 as was pointed out last week and therefore bans were
placed.......That was a Tnf Ruling. It should still apply shouldnt it? or did some thing
change over the last week?

As for the reason I am complaining is that KT were planning to declare on Fawk this
week as we have a very good playing record with them. Fawk as a fleet are very
similar to ourselves and we enjoy playing them.
Network declared and took away our chance of doing this.

ljsevern and for the record I have NEVER Reported Rehor for any action. Check with
Tnf if you wish. Actually I dont think theres anyone i have actually reported to Tnf,
most disputes have been settled in game.
Have a Nice Day,

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 03:58

Can someone play a song "Here we go again?"

  • Re : Why has Network been allowed to declare again with 4 members?

    03. 28. 2011 03:57

Every single HA that I played against KT was a waste of time for Black Sun. And I
know that J0kers thought no different.

So you are the last one to complain about that.

This ^^
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