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  • Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 07:08

On what qualifications do you think the best bb player of Navyfield has to have?

1) Does he/she have to have a good attitude?
2) Exceptionally good playing skills in all bb5s?
3) Better than everyone in the game, but at just one bb5?
4) Best Harbor Assault bb driver that everyone wants on their team?
5) Best Fleet League bb driver that everyone wants on their team?
6) Is the best player in bb rooms, period?
7) Able to play without zooming out?
8) Can use all the nations of aa and hh on all their bbs effectively?
9) Takes the least amount of damage on average every game from his or her dodging ability?
10) is the best bb driver in GBs that everyone wants on their team?
11) Has the best win percentage?
12) Always able to beat high tier ships with lower tier bbs?
13) Is just hands down the best bb player?
14) Is an exceptionally good player with at level crews and ships?
15) Is an exceptionally good player with very minimal to 0 SD?
16) Is able to run their bb extremely effectively without seeing their gun lines?
17) Is able to scout exceptionally well with all tiers and nations of scouts?
18) Plays exceptionally well with front gun only setups with no deck armor?
19) Plays with armor whored ships?
20) Never Plays with any deck armor?
21) Able to dodge torpedoes the best?
22) Able to play under the influence of drugs/alcohol exceptionally well where everyone
wants him/her on their team?
23) Able to play for long hours (12+ hrs) and play exceptionally well the whole time?
24) Able to play with no sound at all?
25) Able to play without using the "G" key?
26) Able to forum troll part of the game while in battle?
27) other? (you decide and explain)
28) In the Navyfield Hall of Fame?
29) Being an exceptionally good teamplayer in every part of the game in every game mode?
30) All of the above?

Edit: I added 1 more

It can be a combination of any of these, you decide.

You can put who you think the best bb player is but it's not really part of the thread.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 12:15


  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 11:59

"NOTE: there is no I in team"
But there is an I in WIN

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 11:40

NOTE: there is no I in team

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 11:27

The human brain it is like a Single core processor... However the human brain can
switch back & forth from task to task quickly... So if a BB does not have to AA micro
scouts and only has to worry about shooting and evading...

Or ill just ask you this.... would you rather
A) Shooting and Evading and not needing to AA or mirco your scout
B) Shooting and Evading microing Scout from AA boats, AA enemy Planes to keep them
blind & might be shooting blind(unless you use FOW hack like a nub <---I hope not)

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 08:12

first thing first, thear is no such THING as 'best' players
get that concept outta your head first
i have seen many such good players, but none of them were the best, inculding me.
best bb player=perfect bb player, there is no 'perfect' players, the word 'perfect' is
almost (or it is) impossible to achieved by someone, the thing about perfection is unknowable.
also, there is no such thing as 'worst', 'better' and 'worse' players, all play by their
own style, all play and get their own kill.
someone play and done 500k dmg, , he get 500k dmg. doesn't matter how the heck he get that
much attack. be it AAing and rushing while enemy blind, HHing sub, play AW with 2 front
gun, play SW, play with/without zoom, or play/not playing blind and press/not pressing G
key. SDE give us the freedom to costomize our ship and give us lots of feature, such as
the zoom and 'G' button, so we play as we like and no one have the authority to stop or
judge us (or rate us)
as splid said earlier, all means nothing. the word 'best' is unreachable

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 08:00

Hey nice troll devildog since you still can't seem to read. The thread is obviously not
who is the best or pointing that out at all. It is what people think the best bb drivers
traits would be or have to be.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 07:53

even the best BB player has bad days, im not even sure why this matters, and why
you feel to get a rise out of the community for it, who really cares who is the best at
anything, the best will provide their own following we dont need you to point it out

usless thread

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 07:49

So commanderr are you saying the possibly best bb player can't be such a good scouter on
his own, nor shoot blindly so good that he has to have a cv with him?

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 02:57

@vanity you know u liked it...

Anywho a trait that should be up their the #1 trait any good BB knows

Tag Team, Without a good CV a BB will never reach its full ablity...
1 good CV and 1 Good BB....

One good ex. was when i was with a BB6 and he was the last BB alive vs 5 BB who
flooded north 4 CVs on the other Team... We did lose in the end due to time however
before it was all said and done there was only 1 BB standing alive just by a inch left of

Without a CV a BB will be owned and with a BB a CV will owned...

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 05. 2011 02:40

Now that's just awkward.
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