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  • [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 09:16

Results posted as they come in

1st:- Jedi
2nd:- Regalia
3rd:- PMW

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:00

Not exactly Gtdawg. If el_nano thought he had crashed is not the issue, we was
asking for opening to re-enter and second later he came out. Obviously was not a
crash, but obviously there was no time to change anything. Why was not allowed to

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:58

Nope, the CL left because he got tired of "people who are full of themselves". But
was asked to return, thus it was asked to the refrees to open room so he can enter
the room right away.

What if "he had left by accident trying to tab?"

Could also be a valid senario. But ofcourse that didn't happen, what happen is what
I mentioned above. If refree's had a little bit of commun sense, we weren't be

Again I repeat, the whole issue started with one event(the regalia event). That kinda
pissed a couple of players already while we where in the room.

The water went over the barrel when the rule of 2 minutes(we only got 1 minute
after I entered the room, which supposedly was the extra 1 minute after the 2). We
asked if it was a new rule since this rule was not implemented in the ther games.

It's normal that we protest to this non-sense. What is not normal is that the
organizer are still incapable of asuming responsibility and say they where wrong.

it's normal you wanna defend your ljsevern, he's your fleetmate. One thing is blaming
us for reacting to the orginizers mistakes, another is coming up with conclusions
without even knowing the WHOLE story.

I repeat the PMW scenario was simply an effect caused by an earlier mistake
commited by the organizers. Which the organizer is STILL incapable of admiting,
which causes us to only protest more.

There are 3 steps of not 4 to this story. Don't create a 5th reason for us to protest.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:54

"One of our CLs went out by mistake"

So your CL did not CRASH, it left?

Sort of proves a point.

No I was not in this event, I just followed it, but for those who say TNF shold be organising:

Well, the prople who used to be under banners in TNF as Mods or FM did organise it. The
current TNF had not done anything close of late and the server needed some fresh ideas.

Just because these people that you do not like have the ability to put an event together
does not give anyone the right to cheat, does it?

Ah, sore loosers blame everything but themselves.


  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:54

changing rules during tournament without all participating fleets approval... great job lj...
all fleets were able to use those overpowered MG, so i really don't know why you had to
change it in the middle of tournament.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:53

... I gues the jajaja mod no likes latino ppl strikes again...

Mr. Andrzej125, now I understand everything.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:49

(*) "Rules are rules people if you don't follow them or read them then it's your own

I read the rules, maybe you do not.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:48

So, if I've got this right....

Regalia was allowed to get rid of a ship that was just banned and AH is upset that Regalia was allowed to change

Also, AH was short some DDs in the PMW battle, so they had a CL leave and claim crash so the room would be re-
opened. The player, obviously, didn't crash and AH wanted the room reopened right away. The CL was not allowed
re-entry, so AH refused to tab. After fair warning, those that were still untabbed were banned. In protest, the rest of
AH retreated.

Do I have the situations roughly accurate?

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:47

Jesus, just how ignorant can you people get? Your CL didn't crash, yet you say he did.
When the mod sees this person online it turns out to be deliberate/fake crash which is
against the rules. Then you complain that rules never benefitted you? I gues the jajaja
mod no likes latino ppl strikes again...

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:46

Manipulation is to insist that we simulated a crash.
When someone of AH said it was a crash, was a mistake, much smaller than those who
committed the referees:
- Do not allow a ship in the middle of the tournament is like telling a football goalkeeper
who can not use your hands.
- We had 2 hours to prepare the strategy and to leave many of our players because
they believed it was a fast tournament.
- Allow to change ships when they see the ships of the other team really is
Thanks to ljsevern for your work, but it was a disaster.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 13:43

Rules are rules people if you don't follow them or read them then it's your own fault.
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