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  • NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 10:07

NUBBLES TIMES (Issue 31, 20th January 2011)

Mr. Nubbles Assange's, whilst attempting to fix the USS Maryland sprite problem caused
by the NF government, reportedly confirmed rumours of EBB3-4 and ECVs. This article will
feature his latest findings.

A phone call made by Nubbles Times to Mr. Assange notes that the 17-year old NF-player
is both excited by his findings as well as concerned. When questioned, Nubbles replied:
"Knowing our government, we will never get this balanced. Never. If we have problems
from the recent EBB ships already, then what hope is left for the players of NF?"

Nevertheless, Nubles also noticed some special observations based on the recent leaks.
"Firstly, it appears MN will not get any EBB/ECV of any sort. This, of course, may generate
major criticisms on our government. Another interesting observation is that the KM might
not get a EBB3 due to the KM EBB2 being a BB3. Instead, it appears KM will have two ECVs,
one a Seydlitz and another a Graf Zeppelin. In other words, we are witnessing a ECV1 and
ECV2. It is still not known yet, but I'll get back to you guys once I have more info."

Stay tuned for live updates!


EBB3 (South Dakota - Unknown)

EBB4 (Iowa - Unknown)

ECV (Yorktown - Enterprise)


EBB3 (Hood - Unknown)

EBB4 (Unknown - Unknown)

ECV (Illustrious - Unknown)


EBB3 (Nagato - Mutsu)

EBB4 (Yamato - Unknown)

ECV (Unryu - Unknown)


EBB3 (Unknown - Unknown)

EBB4 (H39 - H41)

ECV1 (Seydlitz - Alvensleben)

ECV2 (Graf Zeppelin - von Richtenhof)

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 14:21

Personally, I hope these are rarer than EBB1s when they first came out, and were only
given away for skill based events.

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 13:43


Balls.... is there a point having and playing a stock H39/H44 now?

Wait I mean, is there a point to play and go through all KM BB/BC ship line now?

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 13:40

well if it's your way to advertise ship sprites, then i'm up for it!

plz nubbles, give us the links for these awesome sprites ;)

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 13:28

If this is happens:-

***Congradulations to SDE for making it completely POINTLESS to play the original ship

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 13:15

I do like the hood.. feel free to make it slimmer though :)

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 10:26

So you actively and consciously chose to reply a man who is"wasting his time" rather than
doing something productive and contributing to your life?

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 10:25

Old news

I couldn't meh less, nobody will bother to play once those get in the game.

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 10:11

I'll believe it after I complete 28 complete trivial daily tasks in a row to no better
fufillment of my life.
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