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  • Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 09:20

I have a couple of issues that I think warrant discussion.

1, 1 hour 50 minutes .... This was reduced from the original 2 hours because some fleets
whined when 2 hours official prep wasn't enough. so SDE changed the time allowing an
additional 10 minutes for prep.

I believe that this was a mistake from the beginning but no one asked me. If 2 hours prep
isn't enough then tough crappola. Give the original 2 hour attack back and lets play.

2, How have the bb6 and cv6 affected HA ?

Originally bb5 and cv5 made HA, in my opinion, fun, more opportunities for individual
accomplishments to affect the outcome of battles.. Now every one and their dog has
multiple bb6's.

BB/CV6 toughness make it almost impossible to kill quickly, Making for long battles which
may be enjoyable but are effectively useless in the strategic sense.

What can be done ? Well increasing time limit would be one thing, Limiting numbers
another. Who knows, but i think it's worth a discussion.


  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 13:41

*You should go and do a bit of reading before going on about AWing BB6s. I have suggested
it every day since they have came in and I got mine. The fact is, there are too many crap
players who want their AWed Kaiser because without it they are useless and easily
outplayed by any old Nebby or AW QV that comes around.*

True, which is why I suggested the reduction of maximum displacement and agreed with lj on
the possibility or increasing armour weight. If the AW capability is the problem, then
surely that should be the thing changed/balanced. not BB6 speed, range, damage output or

*The philosophy of stupidly large recruiting megaflotas did as well, but that didn't stop
you guys. There, I can make stupid server related comments as well, want to play
seriously or just sit here throwing stupid comments around like you are currently doing?*

It is not a stupid comment, bash, flame or however you have taken it at the old Iowa
server, it is an observation. I remember quite a few observations on these very forums
saying post-merge, the player base became incredibly defensive in public battles by old
Iowa players. I did not bash, flame or take offence to this, as I noticed the stupidly
high defensive play in these games too. However, if you look back it was implied to be due
to old MO players playstyles.

Also, if you have been suggesting for the BB6s to not be AWed as effective as they are for
over a year, then the AWing of large numbers of every BB6 is obviously closely related to
the server you played on. If it happened on my old server rather than yours then I'd be
taking the same stance about reducing the AWing capability as you, however it did not.
Therefore logic dictates it started/happened on your old server.

Again, that is not a bash, flame, stupid comment. It is an observation from what has been
said in this thread and from what I've seen ingame.

*The fact is (as I have been saying for over a year *yawn*) is that unless you remove the
AW ability of the BB6s (except QV) you might as well just encourage people not to use
them. Just like unbalanced (read mostly overpowered) subs.*

I agree, the QV should be the only BB6 that is AW capable as it would be at a big
disadvantage if it was not capable of doing so against other BB6s.

*Yes, because every single thing I suggest is for the benefit of Jedi. That is how Jedi
won everything it won, by cheating or subverting balance changes to benefit ourselves. I
thought you were a semi-intelligent, reasonably nifty player when I first saw you after
the server merge, guess I was wrong.*

lol, what I said was again not meant as a flame, bash (although it does look like one so I
will apologise for that). What I should have said was UK is probably the most abundant
nation in NF (and therefore all fleets including jedi I'm guessing) so if you double the
number of AWed kaisers you see now, that would probably still not be close to the number
of AWed L2s you would see in HAs if a restriction was put in place on the usage of BB6s.

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 13:36

Smoke should be limited for a 3rd reason, as it contributes to lag, and noone wants to win
a HA by out - lagging the competition, otherwise they would be using certain features more
than others.

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 13:14

"You are substituting one AW for another which is a stupid idea, if you are so concerned
about the BB6s AWing capability why not suggest reducing their maximum displacement? Or as
lj says, increasing the armour weight?"

You should go and do a bit of reading before going on about AWing BB6s. I have suggested
it every day since they have came in and I got mine. The fact is, there are too many crap
players who want their AWed Kaiser because without it they are useless and easily
outplayed by any old Nebby or AW QV that comes around.

"The phylosophy of AWing everything apart from the kitchen sink seems to have originated
from your old server as only the majority of QVs and the odd nebby/kaiser was armoured on
mine. It's a matter of adjusting to enemy tactics/ship setups and if you are substituting
one AW for another the counter-tactics will still be the same. "

The philosophy of stupidly large recruiting megaflotas did as well, but that didn't stop
you guys. There, I can make stupid server related comments as well, want to play
seriously or just sit here throwing stupid comments around like you are currently doing?

The fact is (as I have been saying for over a year *yawn*) is that unless you remove the
AW ability of the BB6s (except QV) you might as well just encourage people not to use
them. Just like unbalanced (read mostly overpowered) subs.

"Because L2s are in great abundance in jedi?"

Yes, because every single thing I suggest is for the benefit of Jedi. That is how Jedi
won everything it won, by cheating or subverting balance changes to benefit ourselves. I
thought you were a semi-intelligent, reasonably nifty player when I first saw you after
the server merge, guess I was wrong.

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 13:08

Limit smoke to FF/DD. Remove smoke from submarines completely. Better yet.. Remove
submarines completely.

Limiting smoke to CLs as well could be nice potentially..

2 hour gameplay. At the very most an hour of prep is all that's needed. Even that I think
is way too much though.

Limit BB6s to a certain number per side on a per room basis possibly with an increasing
limit maybe?

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 12:48

*I'd rather have that than the "Who has the most stupid AW Kaisers" that we have now... *

Because L2s are in great abundance in jedi?

You are substituting one AW for another which is a stupid idea, if you are so concerned
about the BB6s AWing capability why not suggest reducing their maximum displacement? Or as
lj says, increasing the armour weight?

The phylosophy of AWing everything apart from the kitchen sink seems to have originated
from your old server as only the majority of QVs and the odd nebby/kaiser was armoured on
mine. It's a matter of adjusting to enemy tactics/ship setups and if you are substituting
one AW for another the counter-tactics will still be the same.

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 12:47

"I'd rather have that than the "Who has the most stupid AW Kaisers" that we have now..."

Pick me pick me I know I know!!!

But truly, I have the best idea. Make more harbours. Oh wait . . .

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 12:30

The problem with the BB6's is that they have similar damage outputs to the BB5's,
but FAR more health. On top of that, they can all armour whore, which is wrong.

To fix the Damage/Health ratio, you can do one of 3 things:-

1) Increase the damage; Would overall make them stronger when considering the
balance of tiers (I.e. BB6 vs BB5's)

2) Decrease the DP; (Would overall make the weaker considering the balance of

3) Increase the damage by a smaller amount and decrease the DP by a smaller

Option 3 would be better because it should keep the overall balance between tiers
speed up BB6 gameplay.

On top of that, the weight of the deck armour for the Kaiser, Nebraska, Amagi needs

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 12:25

"If you restrict BB/CV6 usage, nerf BB6s to BB5.5 levels or limit their numbers it will
turn HAs into AW L2 rush fests. "

I'd rather have that than the "Who has the most stupid AW Kaisers" that we have now...

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 12:05

1 hr 50 minutes is plenty of time, it should be hard to take.
prep would be awesome at 1 hr

  • Re : Harbour Assault Questions

    04. 25. 2011 11:59

If the times are to be adjusted:

- 1 hr prep max.
- 2 hrs battle time.

Numbers of BB/CV6s, tactics and individual skill are what are important in HA.

If you restrict BB/CV6 usage, nerf BB6s to BB5.5 levels or limit their numbers it will
turn HAs into AW L2 rush fests.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7