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  • Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 02:37

A couple of recent cases have involved problems where loaned sailors have been
taken/removed/traded/dismissed/not returned. I have been asked to clarify to all
loaned sailors will not be forcibly recovered by TeamNF or SDE. This includes issues
where sailors are loaned to a shared account and anyone with access to that
account passes
them on or even dismisses them.

In effect, if you are not 100% sure of who you are lending your sailors to, or you
afford the risk of not getting them back, then it is advisable to reconsider the loan in
the first instance.


  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 14:56

Stealing is stealing imho. Its just like with leaving your lawn mower in your front lawn.
Someone takes off with it, its stolen. A pawn shop buys the lawn mower, they bought a
stolen item. Police show up, lawnmower taken and given back to owner. Simple, but nothing
in NF is ever simple because we do not have such services to deter stealing and/or buying
stolen items.

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 14:40

Well then.

Just what you said. You've suggested the very solution that we've all been looking for
and getting done with this mess.

Why not give it back to the account that the sailors were stolen from- So that it becomes
an internal fleet issue and we are all done with this without any sour tastes in our mouths?

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 14:36

When that person bought it after so long of course he would keep it. You wouldn't
turn it the time back and you can't. Plus those sailors has been traded to another
account to use and got hack. That person that got hack and you getting the person
who bought it to give back ?

Trades room has made it clear. Plus if the person that wants to borrow out the
sailors then he should know the risk is. Funny that you even check on who is selling
what. Can't that person that selling those sailors have other sailors to play with ? If
can't then there is no point playing this game is for fun when it is just about serious-

To what andy25 said, if those sailors have to be given back, then give back those
sailors that his fleet members that got stolen. Ask the person that having it to give

That person don't anything except those sailors. That person was trying to get
dukeboy to negotiate with GM. This works for both parties. As you can see that
person have tried ways to have a winwin solution. But unlucky it doesn't work out.

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 14:18

ROFL andy.

Here's what I find HILARIOUS.

"he was that friendly to offer to give it back"

You mean this person was using this person's sailor as hostage so he could acquire himself
a brand new spanking crew- that was either leveled for him or he was "keeping them"?

haha epic story bro. If you could buy/find me a new one like this - Then I'll let you
have your sailor back but I want to keep it because I've been looking for a crew like
this. Even better- I don't want to give the crew back even if I get compensated the exact
amount from the trade in which you "bought" the sailor. Hell, your fleetmember even used
dukeboy- as his personal messenger to try to get the GM's to clone him the sailors in
question. That if the sailors could be cloned, he would give back the originals haha- But
that he would not give back the crew unless he was given something comparable ROFLLLLLL.

And the fact that he "wanted to keep the crew" after being informed by TNF that they were
indeed stolen because this person was "looking for such a crew" for 2 months despite
offers of exact credit compensation? When the person who owned that sailor had been
leveling that crew off and on for close to 2 years? PS. This person who was oh so
wanting this crew for his CV now has his CV crew up for trade in the tradeboard in forums.

Oh and did I mention? The real owner still wants his sailors back

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 13:29


nope he isnt wrong. and yes the sailors got traded.
it isnt his fault that someone loan the sailors, the one who got them didnt gove
them back, the account got hacked..the sailors transfered and sold.

it is allways on the personal risk to loan/trade.
if he will get back his stuff, then i want the stuff back that got hacked and stolen
from 2 of my members. they got told that this is/was not possible, cause they had
new owners.

and my member baought them legaly, WITHOUT the knowledge that the stuff was
stolen by a hacker. he was that friendly to offer to give it back..but the ex-owner
sayed no. dukeboy as mod was doing the communication between both. the story is
over and done. and i want that it is finished!
the harassement, hunting and bothering of my member is absolutly inacceptable..+
the words that a GM owes a favour to a member of ur fleet and that this GM will BAN
my member just with a wink!!!!!
accpet it....the fault was by ur member. not by my member! POINT

no more discusion. finished here and now!

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 12:53

Hey, I have a bunch of BB6 crews, who wants to try them out for a week or two?

Just promise to give them back next month!

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 12:08


This wouldn't be a problem if the sailors weren't traded.

Chicken and the egg.

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 11:52

One of your members that is CLEARLY in the god damn wrong? Get a grip.

Vick11, what happens when somebody has purchased CLEARLY STATED STOLEN SAILORS.

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 11:05

good to know vick..that clears out a lot with a situation with one of my members...

  • Re : Sailor Loans

    04. 20. 2011 09:12

Marinero Pr?tamos
04 20 2011 02:37 AM
Un par de casos recientes han involucrado a problemas donde los marineros han
sido prestados
adoptadas o quitar / comercio / despedidos / no regres? Se me ha pedido que
aclare a todos los que
marineros prestado no se recuper?por la fuerza TeamNF o SDE. Esto incluye
donde los marineros se prestan a una cuenta compartida y cualquier persona con
acceso a esa cuenta pasa
ellos en o incluso rechaza.

En efecto, si usted no est?100% seguro de que le est? prestando sus marineros, o
no puede
permitirse el riesgo de no volver, entonces es aconsejable reconsiderar el pr?tamo
la primera instancia.
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