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  • GG Black Sun

    05. 07. 2011 19:56

It has to be said :) it was an fun harbor and yall didnt win by numbers (they were useful to
advance fast tho), but on the harbor tile yall did an awesome tactic and had a well deserved
victory for that.

GG From Flota Chile
PS: Just wondering.. how many BB6 did we sink D: i swear each of us killed like 4-5

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 06:21

I think you're trying to pick a fight where there is none to be had free.

I guess chile can now focus on their home harbour of New York =p


  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 05:47

congrats BS. We know that fara records these battles. They are very usefull to
watch so who cares if it was recorded with a AH account? This thread is about the
HA between FC and BS.

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 05:43

"I had permission from Armada Hispania to record from their Point of View, also its Harbour
Assault not Fleet League so I didn't feel the opposing team (ie Jedi) needed to informed.
However if its a sensitive subject for you I'll inform you next time of my intentions."

So you were on a AH account in the Harbour tile?

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 05:27

You better have gotten the start of the third tile...

I got nuked right off the bat.

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 05:19


I had permission from Armada Hispania to record from their Point of View, also its Harbour
Assault not Fleet League so I didn't feel the opposing team (ie Jedi) needed to informed.
However if its a sensitive subject for you I'll inform you next time of my intentions.

Also if you think about it, people have been recordings games, F/L, HA for years, all i'm
doing is uploading it to youtube for all to enjoy.

@ Splid
Recently I haven't acctually been live broadcasting games, just recording them with the
same Livestream tool. Yesterday however was an exception and it was indeed boradcast live
for anyone who happened to watch my channel to enjoy. (With AH's permission i might add).

Some other pointers you may or may not know. There is a delay that varies from 20-40
seconds and at the end of the day it was from AH's point of view so there was no way your
Harbour Assault could have been compromised.


  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 04:51

Thanks flota Chile, you guys did a good job

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 03:31

GG Chile! Was a gd HA.

Just a shame flaming is creeping into this thread from elsewhere
and will inevitably be the reason this thread is locked.

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 03:09

Fara is some kind of reporter.

And every reporter worth his money has friends everywhere...

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 02:53


How do you have video of the AH Vs Jedi, your in BlackSun no?

Oh and Menville7 DCing in your Kaiser in harbour assult was not allowed 2 years ago, and
yet you still do it. GG

  • Re : GG Black Sun

    05. 08. 2011 02:43

It is still nice for someone to show you the respect to tell you they are recording you
and intend to broadcast it. Maybe certain tactics would or wouldn't have been shown if we
were informed :)

But as I said, there is no respect between any fleets anymore, so I will say no more about
it, I look forward to watching me eat something from a different perspective.
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