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  • Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 07:08

On what qualifications do you think the best bb player of Navyfield has to have?

1) Does he/she have to have a good attitude?
2) Exceptionally good playing skills in all bb5s?
3) Better than everyone in the game, but at just one bb5?
4) Best Harbor Assault bb driver that everyone wants on their team?
5) Best Fleet League bb driver that everyone wants on their team?
6) Is the best player in bb rooms, period?
7) Able to play without zooming out?
8) Can use all the nations of aa and hh on all their bbs effectively?
9) Takes the least amount of damage on average every game from his or her dodging ability?
10) is the best bb driver in GBs that everyone wants on their team?
11) Has the best win percentage?
12) Always able to beat high tier ships with lower tier bbs?
13) Is just hands down the best bb player?
14) Is an exceptionally good player with at level crews and ships?
15) Is an exceptionally good player with very minimal to 0 SD?
16) Is able to run their bb extremely effectively without seeing their gun lines?
17) Is able to scout exceptionally well with all tiers and nations of scouts?
18) Plays exceptionally well with front gun only setups with no deck armor?
19) Plays with armor whored ships?
20) Never Plays with any deck armor?
21) Able to dodge torpedoes the best?
22) Able to play under the influence of drugs/alcohol exceptionally well where everyone
wants him/her on their team?
23) Able to play for long hours (12+ hrs) and play exceptionally well the whole time?
24) Able to play with no sound at all?
25) Able to play without using the "G" key?
26) Able to forum troll part of the game while in battle?
27) other? (you decide and explain)
28) In the Navyfield Hall of Fame?
29) Being an exceptionally good teamplayer in every part of the game in every game mode?
30) All of the above?

Edit: I added 1 more

It can be a combination of any of these, you decide.

You can put who you think the best bb player is but it's not really part of the thread.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 16:21

In GB2, I don't think anyone gives a hoot.

Seems to me, the first thing you do is size up the enemy and what competition you
have. It's all about range and speed. Most good BB players have a very good ship
(BB5/6) with superb gun control skills. They've dialed in every distance in their head
in 5 degree increments. They've got the best AA guns and can cut a squadron of
DBs in half when necessary.

But sometimes they have these unanticipated problems.

"Oh Squidbellies! Torpedoes off the port side, closing fast. Enemy Bombers
overhead! All Scouts KIA! We've lost track of the Kaiser. Anyone know where he is?"
CV? Hello? CV? Anyone got a scout? Anyone?"

Taking advantage of the ship's unique techset available: Speed, Gun Range, Fast
Reload, Heavy Shells or AP, Armor, Turn rate, Gun Space, AA or HH???

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 16:14

7) Able to play without zooming out?

I am mesmerized by people who can play BB while they ARE zoomed out.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 16:07

imo, i think the best BB players are the ones who can work with their BBs efficiently.
With amour advantage or not it's still part of being able to blast the enemy and work
together as a team. Some BB players work best at rushing, others (like me) work
best as a support or a back up when a ship goes down at the front on one of the
flanks. So like someone (forgot your name, sry) mentioned earlier, there's no clear
definition to 'best BB driver'. Maybe there can be sub-categories like 'Best sniper',
etc etc. But there is not a BB driver that can fit into every single senario.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:53

Domq just got sick of DCing every battle he played thats all.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:46

I'm agreeing with splid here.

Though sometimes I find that most attack =/= best player, for example, I did some 500
shy of 700k a week or so ago, but both teams were poor skilled BB6 players; I farmed
quite happily since my team didn't.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:41

the "G'" key goes from your ship and your last shot.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:31

Well this is awkward I never knew the G key did anything... Im gonna assume
though that it centers to your ship?

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:18

""11) Has the best win percentage?"

Ledan wins."

Not true Obsessed. I think Domq would beat even Ledan on that category...


After looking at the HoF and domq's info in the Rankings, I might actually be wrong with
that because it would appear that domq may not be disconnecting nearly as much THAT is a big change...

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 15:03

i dont play zoomed out.

  • Re : Traits of Best BB Player

    05. 04. 2011 14:46

""11) Has the best win percentage?"

Ledan wins. "

You forgot:

"7) Able to play without zooming out?"

Lol... I dont understand how Ledan plays without zooming out.
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