HA Infomation



  • Another BB support question

    06. 18. 2012 11:50


Alright, I have been reading through the KM forums and sifting through the general forums a bit.  I haven't really found a great answer so here it goes. 

I have been playing NF for awhile, off and on really, currently I have an H39 with mostly EBVE crew.  At the moment I have 3 Repairers (89, 86, 85) and 3 Engineers (88, 86, 64).  All of my 80+ sailors have over 200 vets on them.  I'm currently working on levelling the 64 so I can dd it to my H39 crew.  I'm not really running the 39 now, as I level up the rest of my crew.  

I keep seeing a lot of posts suggesting KM BBs should run with a 5/3 engy/rep setup.  However, I was looking at the KM speed cap sticky that suggested I can get away with the 3 I have.  Is that old info, did I read it wrong?  Should I pick up another elite engineer or try to roll a 12/10?  Which brings up another question, I went a bit nuts and over vetted my gunners and rookie pilot as well.  I had extra expert packs from the last event.  Anyway, my SD is already capped.  So I'm just wondering would it be better to fill the rest of my support slots with elites or spend the time and roll out a set of 12/10s?


  • Re : Another BB support question

    06. 18. 2012 18:04


Speed is capped but overheat time is not. The more engineers you have the longer you will overheat.