HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • QE vs KGV

    11. 24. 2013 08:59


Was thinking about this the other day... and was curious what others thought about these two ships.


Now, first, I've not done a grind through either of these since like 2007... but that being said I have -used- them since that time.  Many years ago, KGV was one of my favorite BB's... one that I kept because it was fun.  Then, I suppose around 2009, A BB patch came out that made KGV.. in my eyes.. completely useless.

Back in the day, it was slower than POW, had the same guns as QE, BUT it could out-armor any of them.  In fact, It was about the only UK ship other than nelly (at that time, no longer) and L1+ that COULD functionally armor. 

Today, that is not the case.  Now, I feel you are better off keeping the small and nimble QE with 4 guns than upgrading to the much weaker KGV with 1/4 less fire power.  I suppose the only reason you should change from QE to KGV is to remod it to POW...  Otherwise I would avoid the KGV as it is WAY too weak in modern NF after new nations and BB6's and such.  It was great, got ubernerfed HARD, and now has no use in NF.




  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 24. 2013 10:53


Kinda agree, hency why I skipped the KGV and used QE till POW :)
The KGV lacks any excellence in any ability to be better than QE imo.

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 24. 2013 13:25


With the introduction of new countries and the nerfing of many of the good UK bbs over time,the UK line is much harder to progress than the "easy mode" which is how it is sometime characterised..

The lack of range on the guns seems to be the compromise that the developers put in because otherwise if the UK ships with their ability to armour would the L2 is still a pretty handy ship..

Personally I dont think theres a good ship now in UK apart from arguably the Nelly,til you can get the the standard line..

In the premium  though there is the dunker..range at last

and ebb apart from the HOOD has some even better ships..


  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 24. 2013 19:49


Originally Posted by shackle

With the introduction of new countries and the nerfing of many of the good UK bbs over time,the UK line is much harder to progress than the "easy mode" which is how it is sometime characterised..

The lack of range on the guns seems to be the compromise that the developers put in because otherwise if the UK ships with their ability to armour would the L2 is still a pretty handy ship..

Personally I dont think theres a good ship now in UK apart from arguably the Nelly,til you can get the the standard line..

In the premium  though there is the dunker..range at last

and ebb apart from the HOOD has some even better ships..

UK is shorted on range at BB3, BB4, and BB6 only (and the QV is a beast even with that low range). The Revenge/Renown aren't half bad, and enjoy considerable advantage over the majority of BB1s. The QE/Repulse still outrange almost all other BB2s. And, most importantly, the L2 is still very good in the range department, and one of the easiest ships to play. Considering all that and the fact that you'll spend more time in the L2 than anything else, the "easy mode" argument is still somewhat valid.

Leveling up UK post-BB123 patch, I'd say the only areas I found a chore were DD and BB3-4, while CA1-BB2, and BB5-6 were a blast (I did use dunk for the rest). Nelly and POW, while fun, are hard to work with at level. But it's not so much that they're terrible as the a massive difference between the "easy" and "hard" ships. Aside from that, UK is at or above par on difficulty.
RM is easy mode through CA, but most of the lower tier bbs are a pain (CD & CDC being the exceptions), and has major spread issues all the way through BB5. KM is a bit of a chore to grind to BB, and lacks in the BB1 department too. The rest are good ships, but unforgiving - only the BB2s and BB3s are that great at level IMHO. IJN is actually a blast with all the options, except for BB1 and lackluster premium ships. Well, and BB3 not being better than BB2. Still, due to excessive options, it's not a good starting nation. SN is decent at best up until BB2, where it suddenly turns the game into a shooting gallery for the rest of the grind. However, almost all of the ships are painfully slow, reducing your ability to rush in and get that extra exp after the battle's been decided.

Still haven't ground the MN all the way yet.

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 25. 2013 09:01


"KM is a bit of a chore to grind to BB, and lacks in the BB1 department too."


I lol'd.  KM is the easiest nation to grind post BB123 patch by FAR.  In fact, I'd put KM bb1's vs other BB2's .... KM BB2's vs other BB3's... and KM BB3's vs other BB4's without question. (obviously, other than the RM BB2 1915 which is virtually unstoppable vs any other ship in a 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2 situation.)

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 25. 2013 14:32


KGV is still a good ship. If you have the right crew you can still mount 10.0+ inch deck, which will bounce 80% of the shells coming to you.

QE is probably the best UK ship under BB4 and also apart from EBBs. However QE cannot go AW and is brittle as hell; it can be easily one-shot. But when was the last time you saw KGV being one-shot?

AW KGV actually strengthens your team because of its armor. Imagine yourself driving a KM BB6 Kaiser and seeing an AW KGV and a PBB rushing you. Now, which one will you make your target? Will you switch to AP or HE?

But if you see a QE and a PBB rushing you, your answer becomes much easier, isn't it?

That's the difference that KGV can make, towards your team.

Plus, if you know how to sling shot you won't have too much trouble getting high attacks in 15*2*3 KGV.

Anyways, KGV has a much higher survival rate than QE in GB. I used it until POW instead of QE or other EBB. 

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 25. 2013 22:59


Here are my 2 cents:

I have played both QE and KGV and my feeling is that KGV is the harder ship to play. Granted, if played correctly, it can be devasting. I don't use armor, and use 14''Ns on all turrets. I can go 40-41 with all turrets and AA. (removing AA doesn't actually increase speed). Given short range of guns, you really need to be careful and pick your moments to rush and strike. If I did get in range, however, the block shotting guns are very fun to use. So in short, most games I did pretty terrible because it's hard to get in range, but once in a while I would have good game where I can do 70k+ damage. Once I even 2 shotted a L2 once who wasn't paying attention. With the QE, most of the time I can do at least 10K damage because of higher range, but I never have a "good game" like with KGV because of bad spread and longer reload. I do admit that sometimes I get frustrated with the KGV and went back to QE for a few games, but I didn't think the KGV was a bad ship. I think if they increase the range of the 14''Ns to just a bit shorter than other bb2 guns, and make them still have high accuracy, but not block, the KGV would be a much better ship.



  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 26. 2013 08:10


" If you have the right crew you can still mount 10.0+ inch deck"


For crew that light you'd need to either have low level guys = no SD and no speed = dead...


OR, you are playing for fun and keeping 2-3 sailor slots on the ship open.  Neither of these prospects are pheasable in this conversation I'm afraid.  When I tried to set the ship up with a 90's crew i could not mount that much armor, and it felt that the ship did not take shells like it once did with armor (i predict there was a change to submergence in the patch also).


Also, a ship with 6 barrels will never be devastating.  Its a pick and run type of ship for the most part.  However, With more dp, more displacement, and one more sailor slot... it was at least better than QE.  :\


One on one, A QE should beat a KGV 10/10 times with equal crew.  Sad.  :\

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 26. 2013 15:39


Look at that, JZ is talking about armor.

They're both capable.

The real decision is based on whether you like zipping around at a good speed or relying on hitting your shots knowing that you're not going to get out of range once you're in.

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 26. 2013 17:24


Originally Posted by HeroEnVec

" If you have the right crew you can still mount 10.0+ inch deck"


For crew that light you'd need to either have low level guys = no SD and no speed = dead...


OR, you are playing for fun and keeping 2-3 sailor slots on the ship open.  Neither of these prospects are pheasable in this conversation I'm afraid.  When I tried to set the ship up with a 90's crew i could not mount that much armor, and it felt that the ship did not take shells like it once did with armor (i predict there was a change to submergence in the patch also).


Also, a ship with 6 barrels will never be devastating.  Its a pick and run type of ship for the most part.  However, With more dp, more displacement, and one more sailor slot... it was at least better than QE.  :\


One on one, A QE should beat a KGV 10/10 times with equal crew.  Sad.  :\

There is no way 1v1 QE can beat KGV 10/10 times. If you don't believe it, try my KGV with your QE. If you have used 15*2 before you'll know how hard it is to cause damage using AP.

I'd say, given same crew and same skills, KGV can beat QE 7/10 times, or even more.

I probably have better crew than you do so I'll use only 5 sailors on T slots against your QE. How does that sound?

  • Re : QE vs KGV

    11. 26. 2013 18:00


Originally Posted by Rehor

Look at that, JZ is talking about armor.

They're both capable.

The real decision is based on whether you like zipping around at a good speed or relying on hitting your shots knowing that you're not going to get out of range once you're in.

Top damage value doesn't speak for everything. Of course you can do 200k+ damage with any BB but that doesn't happen often. Average and Medium damages give you more statistical value.

Here's what I did with KGV in 5 CONSECUTIVE games (verified by timestamp on each screenshot), each of which had at least 1 BB6 player on the enemy side.

1st game: Sunk 1 BB6, 1 BB5. Win.

2nd game: Sunk 2 BB5. Win. 

3rd game: Sunk 1 BB5; killed by BB6. Lose.

4th game: Only did 28k damage. Sunk 1 small BB and 1 CL. Win. No screenshot needed.

5th game: Sunk 1 BB6. Win.

Ship & Crew: Lv120 BO, 5 Lv120 Engie, 1 Lv120 Scout, 1 Lv94 Repairer, 1 Lv94 Seaman. Can only fit 9.5 inch deck (but if I put 1 skeleton sailor on board I can fit 10.0 deck).

Of all 5 games:
Average Damage per game: 68, 334
Medium Damage per game: 72, 024
Average Sink per game: 2.6
Average BB5 Sink per game: 0.8
Average BB6 Sink per game: 0.4
Battle Info HUD only outscored by teammate BB5/BB6, or none...
Stats not too shabby for a BB2. 

If I went north in these game I might have ended up with better damages, but my team might lose more, too.

Let's see what you can get with your QE in 5 consecutive games fighting BB6s on the south.

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