HA Infomation



  • Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 06:20

David Cameron has allowed the police to use 'baton rounds'  (rubber bullets) against the rioters.
Water cannons are available to the police on a 24hour standby.

About time the bastards that give my age group a bad name are dealt with. 

As a 16 year old living in Portsmouth, i can say that my age group down here is relatively disgusted with these riots.
Don't think all of us are like that. 


  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 07:40

The Water-cannons need to be brought over from Northern Ireland, but they're pretty reluctant to since it's the marching season over there.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 07:50

What happened to good old tear gas?

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 08:21

Originally Posted by Sindher

The Water-cannons need to be brought over from Northern Ireland, but they're pretty reluctant to since it's the marching season over there.

Fair enough, i heard on radio 4 that there are only 6 in the country anyway.

I would love to see the news tomorrow evening of tonight's clampdown on them. set the dogs on them and shoot them with the baton rounds.

Plus, they burnt down a Subway.... It truly has gone downhill D:

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 09:35

If I had it my way, I would use live rounds and exterminate these idiots.
People whose sole purpose of existence is to cause trouble for others deserve to be put down.

Each time riots or protests erupt, I can't help but feel that the majority of people causing mayhem are not in it because they support the cause. Instead, they're only in it because it's a rare opportunity for them to act like barbarians and get away with it.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 17:51

Originally Posted by Falcon91

Originally Posted by Sindher

The Water-cannons need to be brought over from Northern Ireland, but they're pretty reluctant to since it's the marching season over there.

For fk sakes why not just bring in the RM? Let the military do a street sweeper killing field.

That won't help. and the UN will take action on the slaughter.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 18:56

When the police starts shooting one idiot after the other you'll see. Not rubber bullets, but good old plain metal bullets. ^^, We have had our own riots in Copenhagen, but going so far to kill people for protecting their property would never happen. And I Doesn't really think our police force would allow you to run them over with cars without them shooting at you.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 19:58

That's the problem. The law is often too lenient and protects this type of thugs too much.
They know they can cause mayhem without consequence, and that's why they do it.

Heck, they're not even fighting for a cause. They're just taking the opportunity to act stupid.

If they know that torching someone's property will lead to their deaths, I am pretty sure the amount of people daring to participate in these stupid displays of mob petulance will be much, much less.

But as it is, the authorities hold back, all in the name of the sanctity of human life. The images do make you wonder, what's so sanctious about the lives of these idiots?

They forfeited any of their human rights the moment they decided to destroy people's property, and should be given the same heavy handed and destructive treatment they wreaked on others. Give them a taste of their medicine.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 23:30

I'd have to agree with Emma about most of the rioters not supporting a cause. It's typical mob mentality. I actually happened to be staying with one of my friends since she lives in Vancouver during the Stanley Cup Finals and saw the rioting DT...such a shame people act like barbarians just because they can.

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 10. 2011 23:59

If shop owners in London start shooting at everybody, anybody, like these Korean
owners did back in 1991 Los Angeles Riots, no one would dare to steal anything
from them

  • Re : Riots in london to be done with

    08. 11. 2011 05:32

Originally Posted by nunki

If shop owners in London start shooting at everybody, anybody, like these Korean
owners did back in 1991 Los Angeles Riots, no one would dare to steal anything
from them

This is why we have strict gun laws in the UK. It would be terrible if people started taking the law into their own hands and then pushing it to the extreme.

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