HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • 【Someone's live but gone】

    04. 15. 2018 19:59


It was supposed to be a tournament between ZJ fleet and the Rabbit last Saturday evening.





I drove back home in a hurry last Saturday to watch live. 

But after half an hour's waiting, 15 players from ZJ fleet, together with GMs and the audience found them tricked by Rabbit, since nobody from Rabbit fleet showed up while a group of dozen Rabbits playing in GB (in FleetMission Server) at the same time!!




Although their president insisted that Rabbit would complete their following course in the tournament before most of the participant fleets leaders( and Vinnson was also there) on 2330( GMT +8), 20180414; their announcement of default still showed itself on the official forum on Sunday, 20180415.



Further more, they sent some guy to make a statement on the official forum that Rabbit decided to default before Saturday( 20180414) evening, which means they lied about this before Guild Leaders and Vinnson on 2330( GMT+8) Saturday, 20180414.



No show is a good way for Rabbit to stand ZJ Fleet and GMs up.



Rabbit officially blamed their default on the Spring Event which NFNA server was holding recently, however they had a full squad on April 7th's match during Spring Event as well.

 Maybe the 0 to 14 and 0 to 15 defeat has shocked them so deeply that the Rabbit guild in FleetMission Server started to collapse?

Here is the reply for some poor little boys like mmawy:


What else could I found from you, except for your traditional sidetracking and smear?


Open your blinded eyes and read my ID very carefully, the fleet which you hug her close didnt even exist when I showed up in American Server. 


It's such a mercy I showed you and the ak47** you mentioned about, that I haven't yet decided to accuse you both of counterfeiting and abusing.


Who gave you the jurisdiction to kick anyone, Clown?


Let's get back to the point of the post.

1. Is it true that you abandoned the match with out noticing, which led to meaningless long waiting of your opponent fleet and GMs?

2, Is it true that the president of your guild in FleetMission played with about 10 rabbits in FM server, when the official tournament is supposed to take place, and not even 1 of U showed up in the room to give an answer during the whole half an Hour? 

3, Is it true that you stated openly on official forum the next day, that you have already decided to quit before Saturday evening, and Still dare to lie before guild leaders and Vinnson after the time 2320 Sat. that U would continue to participate so everybody have to wait for U every time?


Oh BTW, although your masters who attended lost some of the game, they still mean sth much more than you poor boy, since they fight with hands, not mouths only. 

They deserved to be blamed for their Dishonest and Disrespect, not for their NF Skill. 


  • Re : 【Someone's live but gone】

    04. 15. 2018 22:41


Sooooo sorry that we kicked u out because of ur pathetic failure behavior,including leaking fleet information and being mean to fleet members,along with other humiliating behavior as players.
We know who u r, matter what disguise u have now.
BTW.wo is chinaak47? or fleet mate ak47ok (whom knows nothing about's me who translate every events and statues.bla.even a spy with bad workie doggie!!)has not authorized anyone to use his authentication.
Be a man,rather using an acc registed just after we kicked spy out of our team.

IT's ok for u to bark here..i mean,despite ur silly behaviors...we kicked u out without notification.
Feel free to be salty,be angry and be blue.Thats fine.
Hope u'll get better with ur next fleet and ur upcoming fleet members.
Be nice and dont be a such failed spy.

--------------------------------------------------------CHNB .mmawy

  • Re : 【Someone's live but gone】

    04. 16. 2018 00:29


Ta fashenle shenme? Gan ma yizhi zai na dong chao xi chao de fan ge bu ting ? 

  • Re : 【Someone's live but gone】

    04. 16. 2018 09:42


It sounds like bitching around. I think most people here don't care what you said. This is NFNA, go back to the place where you belong.

  • Re : 【Someone's live but gone】

    04. 16. 2018 11:05

Stop making post that is not related to this server.