HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • a server only for Chinese

    12. 15. 2018 21:37


My big question why do not they put it in English as before for one to know what they say ??? true the served is Chinese the Chinese do not know English and one less you know Chinese they force you to GUESS what they fence fence that way to EXCLUDE a lot of people .... DO NOT BE AMARILLITAS  Where do you sell the powers to guess what it says ????


  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 15. 2018 23:09


its simple....they cuss and make fun at all is spelled like this...

                                             l]]]]]]]]]]]]  . 

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 16. 2018 00:28


welcome to NoobField

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 16. 2018 00:29


welcome to NoobField

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 16. 2018 04:19


Yeah can those guys spell in the English Lang-uage?

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 16. 2018 11:01


the best way of them is to IGNORE ... I know they are not going to do anything but you DO NOT have to be a YELLOWIST just because the server is in the hands of Chinese or you have to SURRENDER HOMAGE???I'm sorry I was not born that day

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 19. 2018 12:08

that notice just means Battle2 for test and hope more people to join in .please just ingore that ,by the way ,if big event comes GM should have English edition to inform everyone so,not to worry about the news and keep your loving of this game ??by a Chinese player

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 20. 2018 02:59


It says: "Players interested in participating in the Great Battle 2 Test can take part in the Great Battle Test." I'm not sure what I translated correctly.

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 21. 2018 01:19


A really simple fix to this is to add a translator thing into the game, I do understand it isnt going to be fully accurate because the English Language is wierd in its self, but we shouldnt be stuck to not knowing what people are saying, and if we are being honest this can help the Chinese users as well so they know what we are saying

  • Re : a server only for Chinese

    12. 21. 2018 04:43


Originally Posted by tg14

A really simple fix to this is to add a translator thing into the game, I do understand it isnt going to be fully accurate because the English Language is wierd in its self, but we shouldnt be stuck to not knowing what people are saying, and if we are being honest this can help the Chinese users as well so they know what we are saying

Wouldn't that be great to communicate in a team game...