HA Infomation

Rules and Announcement


  • Prize for Late Summer Festival

    08. 16. 2019 17:27

Dear All

Event 2:
Most accumulated attack during event period:
1. qsch9777
2. w0517
Please send us support ticket with which BB7 or CV7 you want for the prize.

3. ak47ok
4. huitainan_a
5. sddz
6. syin8888
7. yyss2221
Please send us support ticket with which BB6.5 or CV6.5 you want for the prize.

Event 1:
Here are the list of players who achived 100 victories with effective attack and 5 minutes, plus accumulated attack of 6,000,000 during event period, will receive a deluxe experts pack

_vicon_ huangxun66 qq394305138
2rhea2 huitainan_a qq445700
a500ml_001 hxj1983 qsch9777
ad2000 hz111111 ria4
aircraftcarrier iambigdaddy sakai886
ak47ok icerain001 scorpioxuke
aspid47 j499946106 sddz
aulka3000 jybht21 shimaomao
badmonkey kingzhanjian sizin
baxizzc1 kpdhz002 snow1107
bigeye lionzhr solo3162
bin2014 liuyishou ssx3265
bmw14 loong stroll
bmw16 ltw2017 suqi918
buddy0008 lz2014 syin8888
cccwww mahaitao themyth
ccer5 malla1990 ticn
cchugh me129a tiger0301
chen911 meifutuzi tlldll9918
chendaishan mhcsjz tnttmt11
cj1230 michaelliu tongxingkoko
cscs0012 mindycheng w0517
ctvcai004 mollo991 wlbsl203
daiyinjj mpl252300 x1121x
deguox ms06zaku xiaopang381
dreamcaca0 naf11 xiaoyuan008
dx777 navy0909_a xxooxooxx
dxb460019178 nilaomei yfhx
fcxily ntuukpi ysys2221
fs2019 o0111 yyss2221
fuiyun odradek z11285208
fx038 oks777 zhaoaining
ghostwk openme6 zqxin1158
gkalsrn pingtouge zzpc4423
hongyuzhiyi qq3345407  


Here are the list of players who achived 200 victories with effective attack and 5 minutes, plus accumulated attack of 12,000,000 during event period, will receive a deluxe experts pack

a500ml_001 mpl252300
ak47ok ms06zaku
aspid47 naf11
badmonkey navy0909_a
bin2014 o0111
bmw14 odradek
buddy0008 qsch9777
chen911 sddz
chendaishan stroll
ctvcai004 suqi918

Navyfield Fleet Mission Management Team