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Rules and Announcement


  • Prize for 22-12-2019 GM interactive Event

    12. 30. 2019 14:23

Dear All

Prize for the GM interactive event are delievered to those players who participlate the event

22-12-2019 1st match
Since GM landed on the island successfully, GM is the winning team, all the players who participate will get the failure reward
200,000 credits
200,000 points

_vicon_                   hy7980888                 shuyang88                
2rhea2                    i82928131110              smile0532                
8ssssss                   icv1941                   snoopy1234               
a2294597252               imanoob                   sssggghhh                
ase1969                   isaacfu123                stu4gd                   
baibaide                  jackpeng                  tjdy                     
bao0002                   jiange1313                tongxingkoko             
barryaxl                  joeydzl                   tx002                    
bin2014                   jsxzzl001                 vchithuan                
bmw16                     july4th                   vodka001                 
brzhouqing                kaixing880                w2f6q3i7                 
c13845181309              kenny318                  wang82840506             
camellmx                  kkndking                  wangteng2019             
cao31310                  kp01                      wb2018                   
cccp11                    ktmao2mao                 wkis110                  
cfy1006                   l37886                    wukun0110                
chaihong60                ladeng8                   xiechunguo               
chao1921847               laizhou2223               xiliki_a                 
cheng3870                 laozhuang                 xinkong                  
chenliang911              lhtylbt                   xixihaha888              
cjg4980                   lu303061602               xuzhou3622               
dakache000                mactech2020               xx7890033                
ddra721027                meifutuzi                 xxooq                    
doodoopen                 meng2018                  xxooxooxx                
dreamcaca0                newuk2017                 yakzeolite               
durongzong1               nf0016                    yangpipi_a               
dxb460019178              o0111                     yanjing2019              
elite                     oks777                    yjzzzzzz                 
fanxiao008                ouyangchuan               ys2221                   
faqing1201                pcloio6304                ysys2221                 
fight_105                 przevirgola               yujie123456              
frankie19941112           qk015                     yuzi1                    
g51005110                 qq445700                  ywqycj305                
giveeee                   quincy4444                yxh19701220              
gnm1985                   qukeyan                   yyss2221                 
godrobinck                qw1186280876              z056515                  
h15337168738              qxiake                    zsboby                   
haixiao                   rapier_63                 zxlok22                  
heinberg                  rawadrxie                 zz01                     
hpf72                     realmup                   zzc001                   
huha9999                  sakai886                   
hxj1983                   shimaomao                  

22-12-2019 2nd match
Since players sink all the GM ships, all the participate players will get the victory reward of 
400,000 credits
7 days premium account

_vicon_                   huha9999                  rhea003                  
2rhea2                    hy7980888                 rus087                   
8ssssss                   i82928131110              shuyang88                
a2294597252               icv1941                   stu4gd                   
ase1969                   imanoob                   swj8326                  
baibaide                  isaacfu123                tank800808               
bao0002                   jackpeng                  tjdy                     
bin2014                   jiange1313                tongxingkoko             
bmw16                     joeydzl                   tx002                    
brzhouqing                jsxzzl001                 vchithuan                
c13845181309              kaixing880                vodka001                 
camellmx                  kj118                     w2f6q3i7                 
cao31310                  kkndking                  wang82840506             
cccp11                    ktmao2mao                 wangteng2019             
cfy1006                   kxjh                      wkis110                  
chaihong60                l37886                    wps2018                  
chao1921847               ladeng8                   wukun0110                
cheng3870                 laizhou2223               xiliki_a                 
chenliang911              lpzy0722                  xixihaha888              
cjj19860820               lu303061602               xjw8tbryse               
ddra721027                lx920124                  xlzfe                    
det_ka                    mactech2020               xuzhou3622               
doodoopen                 mameng                    xxooq                    
dreamcaca0                meifutuzi                 xxooxooxx                
durongzong                meng2018                  yakzeolite               
durongzong1               mido                      yanjing2019              
dxb460019178              newuk2017                 ys2221                   
elite                     o0111                     ysys2221                 
fanxiao008                oks666                    yujie123456              
faqing1201                oks777                    yuzi1                    
fcxily                    ouyangchuan               ywqycj305                
fight_105                 pcloio6304                yxh19701220              
g51005110                 pengzichen                yyss2221                 
gallvin3                  pingolox001               z056515                  
giveeee                   qf001                     zhangl11                 
gnm1985                   qk015                     zhrr                     
greenday88                qq445700                  zxlok22                  
gyc2018                   qukeyan                   zz01                     
h15337168738              qw1186280876              zz11ss11zz               
haixiao                   qxiake                    zz520                    
heinberg                  rapier_63                  
hpf72                     rawadrxie                  


Navyfield FleetMission Team