HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 06. 2020 21:13

Hola comunidad, es molesto que jugadores de tu propio equipo derriben tus aviones sin importarles nada, solo apuntan con sus AA y disparan deliberadamente derribando aviones aliados, incluso muchas veces haciéndolo intencionalmente, solo les importar derribar los aviones enemigos ignorando aviones aliados y destruyendo todo en el aire. 
Los jugadores que utilizamos CV full fighter dependemos de nuestros aviones para generar exp, si a nuestros escuadrones nos falta 1 o 2 fighter hace mucho la diferencia al pelear con escuadrones de fighter enemigos. siempre me encuentro con jugadores que no les importa en lo mas minimo derribar aviones aliados ya que no les genera problema alguno no reciben castigo de exp, pero si el jugador de cv se ve afectado teniendo menos aviones en el aire y generando menos exp. 
Estas fotos son del día de hoy (06-06-2020), pero este problema viene hace bastante tiempo, no he querido hablar del tema pero me aburre  estos tipos de jugadores, espero que los moderadores tomen alguna iniciativa para que los jugadores piensen dos veces antes de disparar sobre aviones aliados y lo mas simple es sancionarlos con menos experiencia al finalizar la partida .

No busco que las personas de las fotografias sean sancionadas, solo quiero que tomen algun tipo de medida para evitar estas acciones de derribar aviones aliados

Hello community, it is annoying that players from your own team shoot down your planes without caring about anything, they just point their AAs and deliberately shoot down allied planes, even many times doing it intentionally, they only care about shooting down enemy planes ignoring allied planes and destroying everything in the air.
Players who use full fighter CVs depend on our planes to generate exp, if our squads lack 1 or 2 fighters, it makes a lot of difference when fighting enemy fighter squadrons. I always meet players who do not care in the least to shoot down allied planes since they do not generate any problems, they do not receive exp punishment, but if the cv player is affected by having fewer planes in the air and generating less exp.
These photos are from today (06-06-2020), but this problem comes a long time ago, I did not want to talk about it but I am bored by these types of players, I hope that the moderators take some initiative so that the players think two times before firing on allied planes and the simplest is to sanction them with less experience at the end of the game

I do not want the people in the photographs to be sanctioned, I just want them to take some kind of measure to avoid these actions of shooting down allied planes







Thank you for reading! 


  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 06. 2020 21:32


Lamentablemente hay muchos jugadores que usan sus AA indiscriminadamente en BB, (hablo con causa)

  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 07. 2020 13:18


Sorry but this is not a good idea. There are times when it is important to shoot down aircraft, even if that means hitting applied aircraft too. For example if the CV player is circling with a scout and not breaking the circle, that scout needs to die. Or if there's a wave of bombers coming and the fighters aren't going to kill them all but somebody has good AA they can save somebody from the bombers but some fighters may die too. Or if the team's CV is getting their ass kicked by superior fighters, there's no point waiting for the fighters to all die before you start AAing, they will just fly away.

  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 08. 2020 05:33


Originally Posted by mattd3

Sorry but this is not a good idea. There are times when it is important to shoot down aircraft, even if that means hitting applied aircraft too. For example if the CV player is circling with a scout and not breaking the circle, that scout needs to die. Or if there's a wave of bombers coming and the fighters aren't going to kill them all but somebody has good AA they can save somebody from the bombers but some fighters may die too. Or if the team's CV is getting their ass kicked by superior fighters, there's no point waiting for the fighters to all die before you start AAing, they will just fly away.

So what sense does it make to play with cv if you can't win exp if your own teammates kill your planes? I have no problem with my fighters I have several cv with super elite crews, they encourage cv to play full bomber with those actions.

I understand that there are CVs that do not have a good crew and it is difficult for them to shoot down enemy planes, but in my case I have no problem shooting down enemy planes and even so my planes kill me, I do not think that it is right that I have to put up with killing my planes and leave me without winning exp  =/

  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 08. 2020 05:52


Only one warning after that no more vision, then they will learn

  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 08. 2020 08:52


Originally Posted by walter1

So what sense does it make to play with cv if you can't win exp if your own teammates kill your planes? I have no problem with my fighters I have several cv with super elite crews, they encourage cv to play full bomber with those actions.

I understand that there are CVs that do not have a good crew and it is difficult for them to shoot down enemy planes, but in my case I have no problem shooting down enemy planes and even so my planes kill me, I do not think that it is right that I have to put up with killing my planes and leave me without winning exp  =/

Dude, relax. Administrators don't give a damn about players and rules. For 2 years they have been ignoring requests for use of bugs when attacking harbor with a fleet Omegas, videos, screenshots and usage patterns were provided. The chief administrator just doesn’t give a damn about it, no reaction, no punishments, only standard phrases “we will consider your question”. And you are here about the TK of your planes in GB ...

Take the bombers and play them, you will not achieve any justice in this game. This is the game of the day before yesterday.

  • Re : Discount exp for those who shoot down allied aircraft please!

    06. 08. 2020 17:13


I suppose you haven't noticed, so I am going to tell you the truth: 

AA = God mode.


this messed up server