HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • KP Score

    06. 10. 2020 00:04


What is the use of KP Score? What do you do with?


  • Re : KP Score

    06. 10. 2020 00:29


in particular for me they are not useful ... the Chinese and their roulette games, chests and other I have decorations hahahahaha

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 10. 2020 11:26


The best use for them I have found is the supply boxes. All of the things you can do with it under the NavyField dropdown on KupaiSky. The drop rate is absurdly low, but supply boxes at least can occasionally give userful items, and it's free so?

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 10. 2020 12:32


yeah, figured it out, but you can only buy bronze with them, which is entirely useless because you get only KPScore..

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 12. 2020 03:59


Just buy bronze supply box keys with them  You can win something good.  I won a cv7 with them.  

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 12. 2020 12:39


Originally Posted by soccermaniac

Just buy bronze supply box keys with them  You can win something good.  I won a cv7 with them.  

wow you are very lucky, I'm only winning KPScore

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 12. 2020 17:03


Originally Posted by soccermaniac

Just buy bronze supply box keys with them  You can win something good.  I won a cv7 with them.  

Maximum gift on sailor supply box or bronze keys with KP score are X or Hero sailor.

Another thing is spend KP Coins with silver or gold keys. But remember this is a lottery, a lot of little "gift" and some BIG prize.

If you are won this BB7 with Gold keys, you are lucky. 
If you are won this BB7 with Bronze keys, i m sorry but you are a liar.

Don t mistake newbbies.

  • Re : KP Score

    06. 12. 2020 19:44

Originally Posted by iowabb61EU

Originally Posted by soccermaniac

Just buy bronze supply box keys with them  You can win something good.  I won a cv7 with them.  

Maximum gift on sailor supply box or bronze keys with KP score are X or Hero sailor.

Another thing is spend KP Coins with silver or gold keys. But remember this is a lottery, a lot of little "gift" and some BIG prize.

If you are won this BB7 with Gold keys, you are lucky. 
If you are won this BB7 with Bronze keys, i m sorry but you are a liar.

Don t mistake newbbies.

It’s dependent on which box you buy keys for. You can buy bronze keys for the bb7 boxes. The drop rates are just extraordinarily rare. But you can believe whatever you choose to believe.