HA Infomation

Rules and Announcement


  • Prize delivered - Navy Day event 2020

    08. 17. 2020 17:14

Dear All

Prize for the Event of 5b in Navy Day 2020 are delivered to the players in the list below

All players will receive 22 of experts+100 items

a15188965344 fastvi lorddieco tizzlexd
a500ml_001 fcxily lsk185 tjdy
a770332915 fockerz luffyzz tskspree
a87415661 germonster luqing000 tunned
aa86956218 gongyun ly19850623 twtymtv99
acfacf47 greyx4 lysd ucam3
adonisliwei guojian1983 marketender uss_pat
aircraftcarrier guxiaoqiang mcandrew vagabond
aldaris584 gvva meifutuzi viper01jm
alfredtzao00 hahafu007 meng2018 vodka001
aodan1 haksyx2003 mono w1270434314
aspid47 hjh1717 ms06zaku wang811019
baibaide hktx831022 oicq2014 wangle2020
bbdtx1981 hmfl_a openme6 wanle619
beifang0016 homini pan108 wentao850311
benbonebone hongyuzhiyi pangxiang44 wswindy19811
bigeye huitainan_a pashi001 wxiaofang
bin2014 hxj1983 plp321 xc87995348
blackwidow08 jaydenjo pr_ingress xh609609
bonbones jovacn qilong xingy
cccp11 junhun0898 raven21x xingyuxin
cccwww kamiao realmup xx7890002
chen1128 kawzst ridiculous xy8766
cj1230 kenneth0526 rigometal_ yangpipi_a
cjj19860820 kenvahnz romelgar yeungj4567
cspanther king_pat rus087 yjzzzzzzz
cuishengguo kingsnow55 sakai886 youfail
ddg174 kpt_jack shell1830 yyss2221
dengheng laoji shouweixiang zgsh911
dsy2009820 lazhoutou001 sitan10086 zhangyeshuo0109
dx777 lhtylbt sniperpandem zhutao700523
dxb460019178 linzz357 songxin zhutong0413
dxdmb lk124 stroll zxziihanying
eliondo loquic12 sunny474 zzpc4423
elst213 lord_n_eu tanatosx3  

Winner of Event 5a
1. kawzst
2. jaydenjo
3. cjj19860820

Winner of Event 5c

For the winners on event 5a and 5c, please send us support ticket with your mail address.

Navyfield Management Team