HA Infomation



  • Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 27. 2011 17:06

Recommend : 2

I suggest this due to the fact that a Hedgehog mortar shell typically had 30-35 lbs of explosive and you can compare that to a 5"/38`s 15.6 lb explosive charge doing 100-200 damage in game when a hedgehog does normally around 700-800 damage in
game which would be anywhere from 4-8 times the damage when hedgehogs typically carried only twice the explosive charge.
This would make hedgehogs against ships a lot less appealing so that people would save them for ASW. It would also keep the noobs that
use this strategy from complaining too much do to them still doing ~400 damage a shell making them moderately effective.

Left out a word editted sorry about being unclear


  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 27. 2011 23:49

Your suggestion really is not clear. You don't actually say what your suggesting... or atleast not in a clear way...

But lol... I have to ask.... Did you have the misfortune of being a target of my fleet mate's (Black Sun) HH rushes? Where about 10 of them went in a room with PCA's (and other ships that had close T slots) and powned entire teams (if they didnt run into each other).

Because I had a feeling a few topics about HH's would pop up on the fourms when they did that!! Lol..

  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 28. 2011 00:03

He's saying, nerf HH. HH are greatly over powered and are suppose to be a anti sub weapon, not a anti surface ship.

  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 28. 2011 10:31

I agree this posts not exactly very clear. For one thing "would make hedgehogs against ships a lot appealing so that people would save them for ASW" is that not a bit contradictory I'm sure you meant that reducing the damage versus ships would make them "a lot less appealing" and be used more often in thier proper role.

I agree with reducing thier effectiveness against ships, I am using hedgehogs with my destroyers secondary mounts at the moment, and thier usage against other ships rather annoys me. Its meant to be used against destroyers not for conducting suicide runs against the enemies surface vessels.

  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 30. 2011 19:17




HH are basicly barrels full of exposives, of course the damage they make, makes sense!

  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 30. 2011 20:43

I think the damage should be cut in half for hitting surface ships. It's currently insanely powerful in blitzkrieg and if you're lucky enough in great battle it's crippling to non-armored ships as well.

  • Re : Decrease HH anti-surface ship effectiveness

    06. 30. 2011 22:15

Originally Posted by snow_ball
But lol... I have to ask.... Did you have the misfortune of being a target of my fleet mate's (Black Sun) HH rushes? Where about 10 of them went in a room with PCA's (and other ships that had close T slots) and powned entire teams (if they didnt run into each other).

I was CV in their team. When I saw what they were doing I was so WTH that I forgot I had my fts circling over my ship. I just kept looking at the CAs go. It was hilarious.