HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • Italian CV

    03. 15. 2012 12:42


Already have an RN and SN CV, am wondering how the Italian CVs and planes will stack up against the rest? Any help is appreciated


  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 15. 2012 13:07


The gun slots on the CV6 is guite nice. It def has a reasonable aa defense and ship defense. The CV6 looks so cool compared to the others. I like all the italian ships

  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 15. 2012 14:35


I'm most interested in the Bolzano, the r slots look interesting and so will flying planes off that unusual deck. 


  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 15. 2012 16:24


yes they certainly seem something different and look excellent. I just dont want to train up a full set of pilots just to find out that their planes are as much use as indicators on a submarine!

  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 15. 2012 18:04


Rota can mount single big BB guns.. lol

  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 19. 2012 02:07


I'm not looking forward to running my bombers against the 20 gun slots of the CV Aquila @ Level 97.

that ships might take top spot for AA platform with some of the more talented players (skill wise, not uber premium leveling sailors wise). 

  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 23. 2012 12:29


ooo...CV Bolzano (1943)...I want to try that ship out as a Carrier.


Unfortunately, it is Level 57; thus, it will have to wait until after I get my IJN CV.


Looks like I will be leveling up 2 RM Bridge Officers at the same time.


  • Re : Italian CV

    03. 23. 2012 13:32


Originally Posted by Quenirland

ooo...CV Bolzano (1943)...I want to try that ship out as a Carrier.


Unfortunately, it is Level 57; thus, it will have to wait until after I get my IJN CV.


Looks like I will be leveling up 2 RM Bridge Officers at the same time.


You don't do that with all your BB's?