HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • gun range for bb1 - bb5 Regia Marina - Italy

    03. 18. 2012 03:41


any useful compare range guns for bb 1 - bb5 Italy - RM with any other nation?


i intirstead by bb's tier, bb1 RM vs. bb 1 other nation, bb2 vs bb2, and so long


  • Re : gun range for bb1 - bb5 Regia Marina - Italy

    07. 04. 2012 19:08


not too sure about bb1-3.... but

Caio Duilio/Conte de Cavours' remodels can reach about half way between L1/Iowa range.
They can sometimes range Iowa because of poor spread/shell jump.

The Vittorio has about the same range as a monty w/ dual 18"s - basically a little bit less than L2.

  • Re : gun range for bb1 - bb5 Regia Marina - Italy

    07. 07. 2012 05:28


For BB1 (both), It is similar range as deutschland to P pro and schamhorst but it is much worst than any other type of BBs in GB.. Gratefully with your gunners has good rate of reloads and accuracy.. I'm suggest to use BB2 when you pick level 58 RM BB in your current ship tree or BB3 for picking level 59 RM with your current ship tree..