HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • Are the DDS here any good?

    03. 18. 2012 11:35


Just wondering.


  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    03. 18. 2012 14:59



  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    03. 18. 2012 16:19


To make up for the weak destroyers is the fact that the ECL is in my opinion one of the best.

You can mount two triple 6, and dual 6 on it, effectively becoming a Brooklyn with more range. 

  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    03. 19. 2012 06:28


Don't forget the high angle of 20... It's amazing.

  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    03. 19. 2012 10:29


Italian DDs have few R slots, the DD1, Leone has the most at 4. 

Didn't play the Navigatori, but the Turbine is decent. Oriani needs an r slot space buff, 1 less than the Turbine. Skipped the Soldati and its remod so I have nothing to say on them. 

Overall, yes the DDs are quite poor. As said you should jump into Abruzzi as soon as its availible to you. 


  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    04. 15. 2012 09:16


I've only just tried the RM after playing, on other accounts, most other nations.  RM destroyers, in my opinion, do not compete with those of the other nations; firstly, lacking in gunnery - Leone, with level 15 gunners, is able to command only 4x3.9-inch guns whereas even torpedo-oriented Kagero, with same-level gunners, will overwhelm it with 6x5-inch guns (in the form of three double-gun turrets).  What's more, already vastly out-gunned, the RM DD lacks in torpedoes - able to mount only the light-weight, 17.7-inch dual-launcher available from level 12.  This limits, if not eliminates, its ability to conduct the sort of high-risk (but high-reward) tactics used by other destroyers to penetrate enemy DD/CL screens and sink, via torpedo, larger but more lucrative ships - CA, BB, CV.

To SDE's credit, this relative weakness of RM destroyers is consistent with factual history; prior to World War II, most destroyers in service with the Italian navy being severely compromised as compared to those of their soon-to-be enemies (England, France, etc.).  Even so, a number of Italian destroyers fought brave if hopeless actions in the Mediterranean during the war; Luca Tarigo (a Navigatori class) being one of them.  In the battle of Tarigo Convoy, Tarigo torpedoed and sank the HMS Mohawk, even as Tarigo herself sank.

From a purely gameplay-perspective, I'd recommend retaining neutral gunners and utilizing a neutral DD (armed the best available 1-credit/free ammunition guns until you can buy the 6-inch singles) up until at least the Oriani (an NDD wielding 6-inch guns is more than a match for most nations' early DD classes).  Better yet, level two operators (via NDD) up to the RM ECL - considered quite good - available one level later.  Levelling two operators will ensure you have the credits to both buy and outfit the ship, whereas on one you will 'barely' be able to afford the hull.  Two operators will also have you better prepared for keeping your supports at-level as you progress further up the ship-trees (alternating operators usually required to do so, with the added benefit of levelling your gunners, and allowing you access to guns, well ahead the level of your ship).

  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    12. 04. 2012 11:23


They are crap, the worst in my opinion, but the grind to the Duca Degli Abruzzi is generally fast, and very rewarding. It has loads of firepower.

  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    12. 04. 2012 16:21


Hands down the most overpowered DDs are The Leone and Navigatori.  Actually I should say that the 6inch EOC guns are overpowered.

These comments go to show people just wanted close range hobbit map machines.  RM DDs can outrange most CAs.  The key is to not get hit and keeping your distance.

It's an easy 20K in blitz and  Veteran users should be able to average 30K-40K.


  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    12. 05. 2012 04:26


Originally Posted by mako089

Hands down the most overpowered DDs are The Leone and Navigatori.  Actually I should say that the 6inch EOC guns are overpowered.

These comments go to show people just wanted close range hobbit map machines.  RM DDs can outrange most CAs.  The key is to not get hit and keeping your distance.

It's an easy 20K in blitz and  Veteran users should be able to average 30K-40K.


Yes and No.
Yes, they want hobbit farm machines.
No, the  RM DD's are quite horribly balanced among themselves and vs other Nations.
The Navigatori has more and/or larger R slots than all higher lvl DD's.
If you use the DD heavy engines you loose the ability to OH very quickly when damaged, using normal engines puts you back to even level  but you suffer in base speed. A lot of RM guns are utter dross, yet those that aren't are far too good.

Summary: RM DD just aren't balanced. If you're still finding your way in the RM DD's or don't have the gunners yet to use the good set ups, you'll suffer. As much as you can suffer with all the free xp being handed out in shared xp rooms.

  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    12. 05. 2012 05:19


I agree Danita but they asked if they were any good.  With level 34 gunners the leone and navi are pretty much the best DDs under blitz condition.  So at level is it poor?  I guess.  But the same could be said about neutrals which get their best guns in the mid 20s.

We have a  record from blitz is over 65K and 50K has become not worth mentioning anymore.

I'm used to weight management on ships so I've switched to normal engines.  Because of their size and range, you shouldn't be getting hit anyways.  In other words, keep them out of hobbit.


  • Re : Are the DDS here any good?

    12. 05. 2012 06:38


leone is like a permaneut with 6" guns, the rest can do the same, but with the extra size in ship usually comes the urge to plunge into close combat firing torps etc.

As long as you stick to ranging people with singles you should do ok with the RM ships. 
For the small leone there's plenty of space to manouvre, even in the small hobbit maps,
the others have slightly larger hitboxes, but still are able to get away with a lot because of their range.

the ecl at lvl 25 is, as mentioned before, far better than the other cl1's in the range (including the lvl 30 cl, that has a smaller gunplacement) it does however run short in ammo rather quickly due to the size of the guns that work best for her (but not before doing a good amount of attack).


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