HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    12. 25. 2011 07:44


Nexon has now officially launched it's North American website, marking the official beginning of the NavyFIELD II American Community! It's been my pleasure to update all of you on the progress of NavyFIELD II's release, and please, if you enjoyed NavyFIELD, give NavyFIELD II a chance, and try it out for yourself.

The American Website:




  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    02. 22. 2012 03:17

do you know what would be wonderful for this new game? putting pre-release ship-trees just to excite NF fans

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    02. 22. 2012 03:20

Originally Posted by AndrusN

Originally Posted by commrade

do not be a long long time...... to launch navyfield 2..................

It will be out sooner then you think.

how much time are you talking about? more or less than the time that people have already been waiting for this game?

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    02. 22. 2012 04:46

i think this video is already here, but i put again

yes, is true, is in test, working.

what is worst, i think is too small maps, the same last man standing with close join in battle after start ( i really wish to play forever open room during the battle - mean if you are sunk go back to port, repair, and find again room to be spawn, like a lot of other mmo games), i think they don't made a real team join to room, to play in team, squadron or something the same, the communicator is weak (i really don't understand if eve online made a standard about how must be a communicator in game the new games from 2008 to today don't take lessons and learn how to made the same, or better), also they keep the maxim level for sailors (again is wrong, they should just put bonus, not too big, for sailors, unlimited skills upgrade, but very very hard to upgrade, something with 1/x+y+z. and a lot of ideasabout how can be made a mmo fps game in 2012.

p.s.: everybody who made a mmo fps game should take lessons from freelancer - anvil digital - about how great works game on map/cluster, about modularity ships, how good work when other games crash from too many players who fight in the same time in the same place, how great looks....

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 01. 2012 10:15

Originally Posted by Scufundatoru

p.s.: everybody who made a mmo fps game should take lessons from freelancer - anvil digital - about how great works game on map/cluster, about modularity ships, how good work when other games crash from too many players who fight in the same time in the same place, how great looks....

Amen brother.

I still play Freelancer, and it has been around longer than NF, with about 600 active users engaging in RP/Combat/Faction wars/and Trade. On 1 server hosted by some dude in Canadia :D
(TNF it is an example, if you don't have a the name, nobody knows what your talking about.)

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 01. 2012 11:47

Originally Posted by ciscodelorum

Originally Posted by Biter_Wylie

I must be the only person that thinks this looks total rubbish! There are a number of PC Battleship games already on the market that shame this graphically.

Why bother remaking the NF game if you are not improving it? These graphics look old and outdated even in 2009!

Look at the wake behind the ships! Pathetic!
Look at the ocean V the ships! Just fail.
Look at the actual ship graphics.. Not much better than current NF.

I was hoping for a game that would capture the titanic power of the battleships, the rolling ocean, the tropical storms, the horror of a ship on fire, the catastrophic blast of the magazines going of!

Please call back in 2050 for the E3 betas.

Look i agree with him the graphic is not that (JAW DROPPING) OMG... I have seen many games with graphics much more intense than this.. I like NF1 more than this graphics.. Low quality and outdated.. u dont need to wait 50 years LOL High definition 3d games are booming here in my country.. if i scale this from 1 to 10 from all the games ive seen ill rate this as 5.

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 04. 2012 09:26

Originally Posted by ciscodelorum

Originally Posted by battorudaiko

yeah i agree with you navyfield 2 or 3 should be more iN 3d like battlestations and change the battle style cuz if you do something same but with different graphics is more of same shit and believe or not you will tired of this game soon its pretty sad but that is the reality in fact the BATTLE STYLE and graphics should be totally changed its necessary for be sucessful MMOG personally is pretty tired for me enter and enter to many rooms with the same emotion or they are gonna become navifield2 in a WOT? how boring!!

A few things:
That is the worst grammar I have ever seen.
I would not play NavyFIELD 2 if it had the same gameplay as a certain pacific oriented naval combat game.
I highly enjoy NF gameplay, the only thing i dislike is the same map is played every single game.
Is this your first forum post or something? You have made it TOO easy to be shot down.

And Now I must turn trolling mode off. (nf_trollface = off)

English isnt my native lenguage
i would like see you writing in spanish then we were see who has the worst grammar douchebag
at least do you understand me or not?

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 04. 2012 15:22

Originally Posted by battorudaiko

English isnt my native lenguage
i would like see you writing in spanish then we were see who has the worst grammar douchebag
at least do you understand me or not?

Pointless reply.

Please stick to questions and comments, not flaming.

PS: you wanted good spainish? Ok. "El Taco."

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 04. 2012 22:13

keep in mind guys, this source code has been designed from scratch by SDE, not to mention, i recall the game using the Gamebryo 3d Engine......which means that lots of features will have the ability to be tweaked alot faster than what we have currently, where nobody understands the humongous lines of code

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 07. 2012 13:22

On the other end of the Pacific.
Japanese will be starting to test NF2 on march 22ed.

  • Re : NavyFIELD 2: Conquers Of The Ocean UPDATED!

    03. 08. 2012 01:12

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