HA Infomation



  • Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 01:45

I've reached the point to choose a CA but I don't know which one I should choose: Admiral Hipper / Deutshland?
Give me some tips and give me your opinion please. Thanks =)


  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 19. 2011 11:59

There's some good info on this very question in the "view old data" part of the KM forum.

The one theme that kept popping up is "go Deutschland if you have great gunners."

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 19. 2011 13:49

Originally Posted by Invinciblor

There's some good info on this very question in the "view old data" part of the KM forum.

The one theme that kept popping up is "go Deutschland if you have great gunners."

If you are unable to keep your range or play from it, great gunners won't save you. You need to fill both conditions to go with it.

Originally Posted by halladay

Spread on the first series of Deutch guns is horrible so it can be tough to get the salvos to hit (but they are deadly in blitz when they do). Using F-4 you can set to single salvo mode which can be helpful to range (since you have a ridiculous load time). The second series of guns are much better. Definitely play with Heavy HE in blitz, and switch to LHE in GB.

The 1st set actually has a better accuracy revision on it. 2nd set hits harder at better range (C/34 Ds = about C28 Ls, if I remember well). For lower level I'd suggest sticking to C/28 Ls, to have the appreciable accuracy revision on them. You could choose the C/28 Ns for ammo if you keep running out.

Always use LHE/AP in your guns. Even in blitz. That ship plays at RANGE. Dropping to HHE makes you vulnerable to other CA using LHE.

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 19. 2011 14:15

Like others have said it really depends on what you are looking at. In the short run, or if you are going cv, the Hipper line is the way to go. But at a BB3 stage the OP2 is a way more fun ship to play. It is more useable in GB1 and 2 because of its ability to rush and dodge compared to that of the bismark which is a line fighter. To this day my OP2 is my favourite KM ship to drive. The ships in the Dland line also give better aa platforms to lvl and get experts.

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 23. 2011 21:52

If it's your first time playing KM, go for the AH/PE line. Sure the 8" have less range/damage, but they're more "forgiving" and easier to use in blitz. If you have a decent crew and know what you're doing, go for the Dland. The trip 11"s will give you issues with hitting anything smaller than a CA, but the range/damage advantage you have over the 8" make fighting CAs easier IF you know what you're doing. You also have to ask yourself whether you want the Bissy or the O2.

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