HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • Andrea Doria RM

    03. 20. 2012 16:54


wat is the top speed on this thing? im geting 30 knots 


  • Re : Andrea Doria RM

    05. 11. 2012 05:52

Originally Posted by yummybob

Im loling at all of you who say this ship sucks. With a bb1 lvl crew I sunk 3 bb6s my first night with it. Yes it is very slow but its very easy to dodge with due to the small hitbox. The guns hit HARD too like most rm bbs. This is my 4th bb crew and so far the grind has been a piece of cake.

He's right, I just bought the ship yesterday and I landed a salvo worth about 45k. To be honest I was a bit surprised because well rm bb1 was terrible. I would be lucky to get 8k in a game with it. I'm now getting at least 20k each game with AD. Its a good BB

  • Re : Andrea Doria RM

    06. 23. 2012 04:08


i loled hard when i read this forum. 29 knot andrea doria with modified guns! haha
mine goes 36 now with lvl84 engies. got 237k attack yesterday in bb room in my ad.
since its got short range you just have to rush in a few seconds longer to get your guns in range, not a big deal, pop smoke if you wanna live longer.
i average 90k attacks every battle. and trust me im not the best of bb players, but i dont see what everyone is complaining about 

  • Re : Andrea Doria RM

    12. 27. 2012 16:49

Lol i feel bad for u guys, got a b65 and it is a beast especially when u get to have 900 SD and 44knts(lvl 92-96 engies, all boosted 80+ vets and 600+ experts) just got the AD with a at lvl crew goes 33 knts I believe. I put a at lvl crew on it but they already have lots of vets and experts.

  • Re : Andrea Doria RM

    12. 29. 2012 10:35


Well, i played with AD with +10 lvl crew. running at 34knts. I liked it, normal/mediocre spead, hard hitting, slow, small and overall a good pbb, but not an excelent one. If you leveling in the conti line and have a good crew, at least 10lvls higher tham BO, you should buy it, because you wont like playing with Regina Elena. 

  • Re : Andrea Doria RM

    05. 19. 2013 14:01


nice, i take AD yesterday and i use that mode:

RM CV III Engine Heavy (+knts, +overheat time)
12"/46 Model 1909 (3xLv.68 guns) in 4 slots
Crew EBVE lvl 60-77 (100-139 vets) and take 37 knts
Good Spread, acceptable reload, good dodge, can put a lot of ammo if you want, and can take a same slots of BB4 to lvling supports.

5 Engs
3 Reps

AD is good ship only need know how use it.

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