HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    12. 25. 2011 07:44


Nexon has now officially launched it's North American website, marking the official beginning of the NavyFIELD II American Community! It's been my pleasure to update all of you on the progress of NavyFIELD II's release, and please, if you enjoyed NavyFIELD, give NavyFIELD II a chance, and try it out for yourself.

The American Website:




  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 18. 2013 22:41


Originally Posted by Pyrofiend

Stop updating this thread, nobody cares.

The game blows. It's like 10 times worse than the current NavyField. 


The only thing NF2 has in common with our game is the name.

If you like clicking mindlessly (only auto aim) and pay-to-win, do go ahead and play NF2.

After the European public test run, so many NF1 players were bitterly disappointed with NF2/Nexon.

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 19. 2013 06:41


Lol...the very instant I saw NF2 being hosted by Nexon I knew I was NEVER going to try it. Those of you who have played ANY Nexon games in the past understand just how money hungry and incompetent the Nexon team is at running at ANY game. If you thought SDE was bad...just WAIT till you see Nexon lol. One of the best examples I can think of is Combat Arms. When Nexon first released the game in NA they were asked about premium items. The producer for Nexon America stated: "To be very clear, we won’t be selling any weapons for cash.  It’s extremely important to us and our development team that the integrity of the skill-based FPS is kept intact, so – all weapons will be obtainable by all players… even if you never buy anything from us" ( If anybody has played CA in the last few know how fast that promise went out the window. With NF2 the same shit is going to happen...within a few months NF2 will be completely imba with the ppl who spend money pwning everybody else. Then of have the hacking problem with Nexon games...............I am so sticking with SDE and NF1 -__- they might be bad but just wait till you've experienced Nexon lol


P.S. Did you know that I had one support ticket open with Nexon that took over a year for one of the GMs to give me a copy and paste answer? :D

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 04:43


Wow.. such much negative input on a game that has only been tested in PET so far.. way to go guys.


There's no doubt that NF2 is not NF1, but then it wouldn't be would it? after all the main aim is to bring something new to the table and NF2 certainly does that. Putting aside the manual aim topic which to be honest would make the game fas less entertaining if incorporated, the game in itself is pretty good and considering it's very early days I can see a lot of potential for this game in years to come. 

Let's look at  NF1 first.

Gameplay is limited, you start opposite  ends of the map, so you always know where the enemy is coming from, head towards each other and engage, most low level ships only last for a very short time, usually one shot by the big boys.
DD's are useless in games with BB's, usually being taken out in the first rounds. same goes for CL's and CA's unless being used for AA support but again one hit from a BB and it's game over. 
Cv's need larger maps to work more effectively and aircraft need better control.
Subs are very powerful but loose out on their real ability of stealth, they are easily seen when submerged and restricted to two depth settings 

However NF1 has it's place, like I said the two games are different, there is a unique skill requirement needed in NF1 , that being manual aim, it adds it's own special task for each player to master and it also needs constant playing to keep in top form.

NF2 brings a lot more to the game in regards to the strategy involved in winning games, you need to work far more as a team than you do in NF1.
Many of you now will be aware of what the game has to offer but not all so please try it for yourself before judging.
So what does the new game have to offer?

Well i'm not going to go through all the workings of NF2 here but will say that all ship classes no matter what level have their role in the game, and they play their role very well, close to real naval battles.

For example , DD's are in an element of their own, they are very capable of moving in and out of their team's BB line to launch multiple rounds of torpedoes at the enemy without fearing that single block shot that takes them out far too quickly, don't get me wrong if you get too close to a powerful BB you'll know that your on the end of some serious calibre guns, perhaps three different calibre's all at once, so don't hang around. Also bear in mind that in NF2 BB's are very capable of slugging it out long range against other BB's while at the same time dealing with those pesky DD's with their various secondary gun batteries. So use your speed and manouverbility to get the hell out of there once you have launched those torps.
A DD's job isn't over there though, first of all you have a number or reloads for your torps and can last the entire length of the game just ducking in and out of cover giving your BB's that much needed support if against larger numbers. There's more to do though, you need to keep an eye out for those Subs trying  to sneak up on your BB line, you see in NF2 subs below periscope depth are invisible, you need to actively use your sonar to keep and eye out for them and if you do detect them you still don't see them. what you see is a red indicator of their positon and depth ( subs have 5 depths, 2-5 they can not fire torps) and you as the DD captain will need to set the depth of your depth chargers to the correct depth for maxium effect. 

This is just a taste of what to expect for one class...DD's, each and every class has it's own role and they work together well, PET was only a taster of whats to come and for those who have played, so far you've only had WW1 BB's to play with ( for those not in the know NF2 starts with ships from the WW1 era). 

NF2 also has an experienced GM team who fully understand what makes NF1 such a good game and put forward your worries and suggestions, all i would ask is get to know the game first before disnissing it if it doesn't fit into how you think it should be. 

As a very early NF1 beta player I do understand the concerns raised by you vets and will/have pasted them on to those concerned but have to admit to finding that the more I played NF2 the less important my initial concerns became.

In summary I see a place for both versions of Navyfield in todays market.

Oh and one other thing, NF2 is still a SDenternet game even if marketed by Nexon who do take notice of your concerns so don't be too hard on them.


GG  ( NF2GM)


  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 05:03


GG you cant be serious here... We are talking about nexon, and that alone is enough for me, to not get anywhere close to that game. What i have in experiences with nexon customer support, makes SDE look like heaven...


i might have tried it, if it werent for nexon. But then again, you're on their payroll. gg.

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 05:04


you really shouldn't call your game "NF2". It has nothing to do with Navyfield as we know it.

Well, ok, one thing - it has ships in it...


Yes, ok, the gameplay of NF is quite lame.

The stroke of genius, however, is that the crew is more important than the ships (even if lots of people don't understand that...), and that the pay-to-win part is minimal for a F2P game.

That can't be said of your game, greenglade.

And you call the two, three posts of very moderate criticism "such much negative" (sic)? Boy, you ain't seen nothing yet... Look over on your Nexon forum, what remarks were made by lots of people playing the P.E.T. I could also direct you to some fleet forums.

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 08:25


Originally Posted by EricIdle

And you call the two, three posts of very moderate criticism "such much negative" (sic)? Boy, you ain't seen nothing yet... Look over on your Nexon forum, what remarks were made by lots of people playing the P.E.T. I could also direct you to some fleet forums.

Thank you for the advice, eric.

I googled for a german forum and found one.

How to speak in gentle words? The players are pis....erm..disappointed. :)

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 10:04


Originally Posted by Pyrofiend

P.S. I know some guys that used to play NF1 with you. I heard you sucked... Irony?

A personal attack from Pyrofiend....surprised?

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 21. 2013 10:14


I bet he's trying to get this thread locked so that it doesnt keep getting bumped up on first page every few days. I hope his plan succeeds.

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 27. 2013 09:17


closed beta is going to be 13+ because of the launcher that is being used

  • Re : NF2: Conqueror Of The Ocean: 'Murican Website Up!

    03. 27. 2013 11:21



It appears that the game is restricted to players living in certain countries. Are there any plans to open it up to the worldwide market?

I wanted to sign up for the beta, but couldn't due to my country of residence. Quite a shame as I would liked to have tried it.