HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 10:27

Is it just me, or is this completely unfair? Personally, they should be removed anyway...

Could we get a patch to remove BB6 from GB2?

At the moment, we have a few people running around with them to win the event; you can't compete if you can't get in the room with them?

I personally don't have the time to actually do the event, so i'm practicing in my BB6 when I see one of them and if not, grind with my dunkerque. 


  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 19:32

To add, outside of HA, this is the one freaking reason to use the ships a whole bunch. I'm glad I have a reason to play ships that I like, but don't get to really use but one day every couple of weeks.

And, it is a massive credit sink for the next couple weeks since, I think, many people will lose money grinding BB6s.

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 19:50

Its kinda unfair to let BB6s into the event, SDE made this event for all the players, but BB6 users are owing the event. They should make a different category for BB6's or just change the event title to NF Level 120/BB6 Olympics.

What about those players who doesn't have a BB6 yet, what chance do they have against the BB6 players who bullies their way in GBII now.

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 19:55

jigoyski, anything is possible...even sinking BB6.
Take a more positive attitude unless you enjoy sulking with a defeatist approach.

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 20:25

I agree Heatrr and it happens once in a while and its a good training for those who are in BB5s but this is an event for everyone and not limited to players who have their BB6/CV6's already.

A skillful BB6 player is a hard kill and needs good teamwork and most of the time at a cost of 2-4 of the team's BB, I've seen it happen and it really does happen.

I said its unfair because not all players have their BB6 which already limits their choice at the beginning. I'm not after removing a player's choice whether to use a BB6 or no in this event, but if a player doesn't have a BB6 what choice does he have?

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 20:28

You could make the same argument about how this event is limited to only the people that can play 8-10 hours a day in this game.

There are several factors that shrink the size of possible winners to an extremely small number.

No CVs, nobody with less than a BB6, nobody that plays less than 5 hours a day.

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 20:44

Yes Gt. I hope you won't mind me making an example out of you. I apologize if you might be offended by it.

Lets say in this event you can play 5-6hours a day in your BB6 and earn an average exp of 60-80k on 60% wins, compared to a BB5 only player who plays 5hours a day and winning half but only gets an average of 30-40k exp since in almost all GBII's he joined, there are BB6's and limits his attack and since he is a new BB5 player and still learning how to play his/her ship, it would be hard for him to get the average you are getting (unless he is very skillful)

The BB5 player will need to play an average of 8hours just to get what you earn in 5hours of play, but what if you can play 10hours daily, how many hours does the BB5 player needs to play just to get near your exp gain in your BB6?

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 21:43

when u r only 1 bb6 in gb2 room.
that mean u have more chance to have bad CV player in your team
if this is happen, may be your bb6 is no meaning cause u will blind and will not see any target to make any shot

so i think bb6 player need LUCK too

srry for my bad english

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 21:51

I'm not trying to argue that it is remotely fair for BB5 players. But, I don't see why people with BB6s should have to give up their advantage.

If people with BB6s have to give up their advantage...what about nations that do more damage at BB5 level? Some of the BB5s hit a lot harder than others. It makes them more likely to kill ships right away giving them more tonnage sunk.

But, to your point about time played, I think the events are tilted to the extremes. For most of the server, these prizes are far out of reach and there is no point even considering the idea of attempting them...whether you have a BB6 or not.

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 22:32

Gt, but being the only BB6 in a room will give you huge advantages even if you get the weaker cv, all you and your cv has to do is to try maintaining sight while the BB6 shoots away.

Well yes, the event is really to the extreme and that is where the BB6 player with the time to play really kicks in. lol

Anyways, its a one month event and lots of time to play and enjoy more games and there are item drops to be won. (need to win about 500usd worth of smokes and mines and premium HH to compensate not getting in the top 3) ;p

  • Re : BB6's in GB2 for the Event

    06. 28. 2011 22:52

jigoyski, your assuming, whether directly or indirectly, that all BB6 drivers/players are competent and to
be feared.....each and every time you see them in GBII. The assumption is flawed.

Yes, be weary of those BB6 drivers that are competent, but be assured, the vast majority of them are not
to be feared; they are food that happens to dominant the top of the food chain.

Besides, we play this game not just to have fun, but to get to the top of that food chain. As such, those that
have made it to the top of the food chain should, by all rights, be allowed or have the right to play whatever
ship they like, even if it is that ship that dominants the top of the food chain....they earned that right. After all,
it is just a game.

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