HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 14. 2019 13:17


I do not want to get into fleet politics but I must ask this.  Why does fleet use inactive fleets to declare on its own harbor to protect it?  This is a common tactic used by Omega.  I understand that the HA time overlap is a strange situation in the new server.  But, this tactic of using an inactive fleet for sham declaration is unfair and takes away other fleet's right to play HA/HD.  If a fleet cannot play two HA/HD games that overlap in the same time zone, do not hold two harbors in that time zone.  Some fleets and players consider this as one fleet trying to control what HA/HD game other fleets can play by this type of manipulations.  Think about if someone creates sham fleets to declare on all harbors to completely shut down the HA/HD games, you will say that it is not acceptable because this takes away other fleet's rights to play HA/HD.  By the same logic, using inactive fleets for sham declaration is not an acceptable behavior.  If you do not have time, resource, or interest to defend, then, do not defend (for any reason including overlap HA/HD time).  Please do not use inactive fleets to protect your harbor.  If you want to attack but cannot defend at the same time, you have made your choice. 


  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 26. 2019 07:38


[CITA = atofanei]


[CITA = atofanei]

Queridos, en nombre de Omegas Fleets quiero aclararles algo, 


1- No es fácil tener dos puertos, y tampoco es fácil defender las flotas VS 4 combinadas para luchar contra EE. UU. (Bamf - RA - OSP - OSI) 

2- nuevamente Kilómetros libres para tomar por cada uno, solo lo atacamos para callar a algunos jugadores especialmente en OSP que no tienen respeto ni honor.

3- reúne a todos los jugadores chinos en la marina y les das cuentas para defender el KM y te desvanezcas una y otra vez, eso es una pena.

4- es mejor que ustedes se callen y detengan las conversaciones basura y vengan a enfrentarnos nuevamente, los estaremos esperando.

5- Vencimos a tus (mejores BB y mejores CV y ??también a tus SS) así que dejamos en claro algo, ahora todas tus flotas están desnudas sin ningún puerto pero

KM es gratis si ustedes lo quieren, gracias por toda Buena guerra que estamos esperando OFC atacarán SN.



Sabes que es lo más divertido que hablan de honor y respeto .....


Tengo una desafortunada cantidad de capturas de personas de su flota que insultan a Maria Santisima en HA ... por mala suerte entiendo español, ¿también habla de honor? ¿Cuándo usamos explotar y salto de frontera? es ese tu honor? .... pero oye, tienes que quitarle las cosas a quien venga ... hablan de que OSP y BAMF son 4 flotas, los omegas no están muy lejos, tienen gente de Brasil para siempre, gente del novato de FG, gente de ARA, gente de ACH, de AH, DTF o 205th (alemanes), Ex KT ... ¡No sé cuánto te disculpas si tu flota tiene la misma lechada que todos! Me refiero a ser juicioso.


No creo que sean esa flota que dicen ser, ni son los mejores para jactarse de que vencieron a su mejor BB / CV / SS ... ahora en un HA Muchas cosas pueden variar y pueden variar variantes ... como todos los altibajos de la flota ....


antes que nada hablas de honor, respeto y juego ... Luego, deja que det_ka e izzmial dejen de poner cuentas compradas por todos los siervos benditos ... ya estamos podridos de que él esté poniendo cuentas por todas las flotas

me haces reir urrs supongo que no ves que reconoce tu lider .eso es lo recuerdo

[/CITAR]Será tema de lo que diga el líder ... Si es su problema personal es tema suyo y de el , ahora hay cosas que no puedes hacerte el tonto ...ahora la gente de tu flota puff todos hablan a mogollón osea no se de qué te quejas de cat cuando la mayoría es un bocaza enorme en fin es tema de que ustedes se maten ... Yo ya voy de vuelta al ver que esto es siempre la misma historia  no hay un gm que ponga orden y todos hacen lo que quieren ... Se quejan de que se atacan y defienden entre 4 flotas cuando ustedes me refiero todos no admiten que esto está muerto y todas las flotas son recicladas de lo reciclado el que le guste bien al que no bueno no ajajjaa

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 26. 2019 07:39


[CITA = kurapikaa]

Quiero agradecer quién habla de Ultras que estamos disfrutando peleando juntos.

¿Quién no es como Ultras? El juego es gratis. Puedes atacarnos y conquistarnos si puedes. 
Por favor, no arrastres el juego al drama nuevamente, solo diviértete y disfruta con él. 
 Quiero agradecer a todos los miembros de Ultras y al líder del consejo de mis hermanos, todos hicimos un gran trabajo, continuar y divertirnos 

JJaajjajajajaj me haces reír kura , pero bueno limpiate la boca que se te cae los espermas de det_ka jajajajajajajaj 

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 27. 2019 00:51


Originally Posted by Xiliki

Originally Posted by whitegoli

You on the other hand seem to be actually too retarded to understand what I imply. 

I see talking to you is a waste of time. However, in parting, I will leave a few theses.
1. The rabbit fleet had already sought RA's help in defending against another Chinese fleet. Between may and September, the rabbitohs had about 10 acc's from RA. There I saw Mido (Hi!), who is now back in the Ultras. So do not lie and pretend to be a virgin. This is a common practice used by all navies.
2. Ultras themselves have created a bad reputation by spoiling relations with other fleets. And only they themselves can improve it.  And until this happened need not be surprised large number of willing to settle with them scores.
3. If you do not know the reasons for this conflict and can not offer anything clever, you do not need to pry into their business, so as not to look like a fool .  Go back to your Chinese friends... Dutch.

1. I dont care what the rabbits do, nobody in this fleet cares what the other does. Secondly, they dont pretend anything. You on the other hand are like OSP, putting everyone else to blame and never you. Remember that with Viper and franco? Ah yes, who started that? Ah yes it was whitegoli cuz it was never your beloved members. So lets put whitegoli to blame.

2.Ultras themselves do it out of reaction, you have never sat around the table with them to actually try fix things you child. I've asked BAMF to go into conversation with Ultras just for once to fix things. They also don't want to, because you are all just children that care toomuch for your own ego. OSP, BAMF, RA and Ultras. I'm sure Ultras would like to go into conversation if you could approach them normally. But RA, BAMF and OSP are like ''AAH ITS ULTRAS, THEY'LL NEVER LISTEN SO WE JUST WHINE THAT THEY CHEAT EVEN THO WE MERC ASWELL''

3.I can involve myself in this, since KT had fallen victim to this aswell, even tho this is indirectly. Just because you guys found it needed to start mercing, KT fell apart. So you guys are indirectly to blame here. Don't think for one second that I'll ever forgive you morons for this.

Stop there mercing

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 28. 2019 00:25


Ok so you don't care anything about what rabbits do...
Then you go on to say what Ultras is doing and why....
Dude, nobody cares for your opinion on this matter. No fleet needs you to speak for them or explain why they do things. Worry about yourself and your lack of tact.
If you want to be clever and draw reactions you're probably preaching to the wrong audience.
Let's leave the rule making to the gms because we can all give our opinion on what should be but it means nothing until something is in writing and being upheld.
Enough of the crap. Enjoy the game and remember... we're all that's left.

Originally Posted by whitegoli

Originally Posted by Xiliki

Originally Posted by whitegoli

You on the other hand seem to be actually too retarded to understand what I imply. 

I see talking to you is a waste of time. However, in parting, I will leave a few theses.
1. The rabbit fleet had already sought RA's help in defending against another Chinese fleet. Between may and September, the rabbitohs had about 10 acc's from RA. There I saw Mido (Hi!), who is now back in the Ultras. So do not lie and pretend to be a virgin. This is a common practice used by all navies.
2. Ultras themselves have created a bad reputation by spoiling relations with other fleets. And only they themselves can improve it.  And until this happened need not be surprised large number of willing to settle with them scores.
3. If you do not know the reasons for this conflict and can not offer anything clever, you do not need to pry into their business, so as not to look like a fool .  Go back to your Chinese friends... Dutch.

1. I dont care what the rabbits do, nobody in this fleet cares what the other does. Secondly, they dont pretend anything. You on the other hand are like OSP, putting everyone else to blame and never you. Remember that with Viper and franco? Ah yes, who started that? Ah yes it was whitegoli cuz it was never your beloved members. So lets put whitegoli to blame.

2.Ultras themselves do it out of reaction, you have never sat around the table with them to actually try fix things you child. I've asked BAMF to go into conversation with Ultras just for once to fix things. They also don't want to, because you are all just children that care toomuch for your own ego. OSP, BAMF, RA and Ultras. I'm sure Ultras would like to go into conversation if you could approach them normally. But RA, BAMF and OSP are like ''AAH ITS ULTRAS, THEY'LL NEVER LISTEN SO WE JUST WHINE THAT THEY CHEAT EVEN THO WE MERC ASWELL''

3.I can involve myself in this, since KT had fallen victim to this aswell, even tho this is indirectly. Just because you guys found it needed to start mercing, KT fell apart. So you guys are indirectly to blame here. Don't think for one second that I'll ever forgive you morons for this.

Stop there mercing

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 28. 2019 00:29


Originally Posted by worldedge

Ok so you don't care anything about what rabbits do...
Then you go on to say what Ultras is doing and why....
Dude, nobody cares for your opinion on this matter. No fleet needs you to speak for them or explain why they do things. Worry about yourself and your lack of tact.
If you want to be clever and draw reactions you're probably preaching to the wrong audience.
Let's leave the rule making to the gms because we can all give our opinion on what should be but it means nothing until something is in writing and being upheld.
Enough of the crap. Enjoy the game and remember... we're all that's left.

Originally Posted by whitegoli

Originally Posted by Xiliki

Originally Posted by whitegoli

You on the other hand seem to be actually too retarded to understand what I imply. 

I see talking to you is a waste of time. However, in parting, I will leave a few theses.
1. The rabbit fleet had already sought RA's help in defending against another Chinese fleet. Between may and September, the rabbitohs had about 10 acc's from RA. There I saw Mido (Hi!), who is now back in the Ultras. So do not lie and pretend to be a virgin. This is a common practice used by all navies.
2. Ultras themselves have created a bad reputation by spoiling relations with other fleets. And only they themselves can improve it.  And until this happened need not be surprised large number of willing to settle with them scores.
3. If you do not know the reasons for this conflict and can not offer anything clever, you do not need to pry into their business, so as not to look like a fool .  Go back to your Chinese friends... Dutch.

1. I dont care what the rabbits do, nobody in this fleet cares what the other does. Secondly, they dont pretend anything. You on the other hand are like OSP, putting everyone else to blame and never you. Remember that with Viper and franco? Ah yes, who started that? Ah yes it was whitegoli cuz it was never your beloved members. So lets put whitegoli to blame.

2.Ultras themselves do it out of reaction, you have never sat around the table with them to actually try fix things you child. I've asked BAMF to go into conversation with Ultras just for once to fix things. They also don't want to, because you are all just children that care toomuch for your own ego. OSP, BAMF, RA and Ultras. I'm sure Ultras would like to go into conversation if you could approach them normally. But RA, BAMF and OSP are like ''AAH ITS ULTRAS, THEY'LL NEVER LISTEN SO WE JUST WHINE THAT THEY CHEAT EVEN THO WE MERC ASWELL''

3.I can involve myself in this, since KT had fallen victim to this aswell, even tho this is indirectly. Just because you guys found it needed to start mercing, KT fell apart. So you guys are indirectly to blame here. Don't think for one second that I'll ever forgive you morons for this.

Stop there mercing


stop mercing, thats the rule, if you stop mercing you can talk with omega lmao

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    11. 01. 2019 03:06


Originally Posted by whitegoli

Originally Posted by worldedge

Ok so you don't care anything about what rabbits do...
Then you go on to say what Ultras is doing and why....
Dude, nobody cares for your opinion on this matter. No fleet needs you to speak for them or explain why they do things. Worry about yourself and your lack of tact.
If you want to be clever and draw reactions you're probably preaching to the wrong audience.
Let's leave the rule making to the gms because we can all give our opinion on what should be but it means nothing until something is in writing and being upheld.
Enough of the crap. Enjoy the game and remember... we're all that's left.

Originally Posted by whitegoli

Originally Posted by Xiliki

Originally Posted by whitegoli

You on the other hand seem to be actually too retarded to understand what I imply. 

I see talking to you is a waste of time. However, in parting, I will leave a few theses.
1. The rabbit fleet had already sought RA's help in defending against another Chinese fleet. Between may and September, the rabbitohs had about 10 acc's from RA. There I saw Mido (Hi!), who is now back in the Ultras. So do not lie and pretend to be a virgin. This is a common practice used by all navies.
2. Ultras themselves have created a bad reputation by spoiling relations with other fleets. And only they themselves can improve it.  And until this happened need not be surprised large number of willing to settle with them scores.
3. If you do not know the reasons for this conflict and can not offer anything clever, you do not need to pry into their business, so as not to look like a fool .  Go back to your Chinese friends... Dutch.

1. I dont care what the rabbits do, nobody in this fleet cares what the other does. Secondly, they dont pretend anything. You on the other hand are like OSP, putting everyone else to blame and never you. Remember that with Viper and franco? Ah yes, who started that? Ah yes it was whitegoli cuz it was never your beloved members. So lets put whitegoli to blame.

2.Ultras themselves do it out of reaction, you have never sat around the table with them to actually try fix things you child. I've asked BAMF to go into conversation with Ultras just for once to fix things. They also don't want to, because you are all just children that care toomuch for your own ego. OSP, BAMF, RA and Ultras. I'm sure Ultras would like to go into conversation if you could approach them normally. But RA, BAMF and OSP are like ''AAH ITS ULTRAS, THEY'LL NEVER LISTEN SO WE JUST WHINE THAT THEY CHEAT EVEN THO WE MERC ASWELL''

3.I can involve myself in this, since KT had fallen victim to this aswell, even tho this is indirectly. Just because you guys found it needed to start mercing, KT fell apart. So you guys are indirectly to blame here. Don't think for one second that I'll ever forgive you morons for this.

Stop there mercing


stop mercing, thats the rule, if you stop mercing you can talk with omega lmao


Lol. There is no rule to prohibit one person to have multiple accounts or more than one person to use the same account in the new server (Kupaisky).  If there is, can you show us? 

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    11. 01. 2019 07:56


Well they made an attempt to fix the issue but really avoided the issue of overlapping HA times.

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    11. 01. 2019 08:30

Guys it’s bigpappason her I need saltyseadog to help me get my computer back up and working so I can play again. Add me to buddy list so I can contact him Thanks

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    11. 01. 2019 10:26


I just told zeta I'll not care of these rules in the slightest. If he wishes to fix this, he should ban mercing first.

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    11. 01. 2019 21:42


Originally Posted by whitegoli

I just told zeta I'll not care of these rules in the slightest. If he wishes to fix this, he should ban mercing first.

You need an account for HA this weekend?

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