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U.S Navy


  • Tips for the Nevada

    12. 12. 2005 01:38

Hi all, I am under 20K XP till I get my first BB, the Nevada, and I am wondering if
there are any suggestions/tips from those that have played with it.

Things like armor configuration, best guns, put on scout or not, best ammo etc....

Thanks in advance

  • Re : Tips for the Nevada

    12. 12. 2005 08:56

In the meantime, you'll want to use the triple 12" guns. (There's only one model
type.) They've got much better range than the 14's until lvl 66.

The nevada has an interesting problem... the gun mounts are different sizes (318
and 276). (historicly it used a triple and double 14" both fore and aft) Since you're
not using the historical gun mounts (because the range sucks), you have a choice to
make. The 318 size mount can hold any model of triple 12 with plenty of ammo. The
276 mount however, can hold an L model but can only hold one bind of ammo for it.

The sensible configuration, then, would seem to be using the triple 12" N models.
This gives 4 binds of ammo to the smaller gun mounts. If you absolutely must have
the extra range, however, the triple 12" L mounts are a possibility, but you're going
to run out of ammo in half your guns early in every fight, and that's crippling. The
third option would be to mix N and L guns, but then you're dealing with different
arming times, muzzle velocities and ranges.

As always, you're going to want to mix your ammo types a bit. AP is a must (2-3
binds), since you'll be playing the Long Range Game against other ships with tons of
deck armor. You would be smart to consider adding a small amount (1-2 binds) of
HE Heavy for the close in work, since smaller ships are devastated by it and the
larger ones tend to skimp on the belt armor these days.

Armor is tailored to the kind of game you're fighting. A little bulkhead is good for
keeping your speed up. Bulge armor is needed in ALL WELCOME games to fend off
Torpedoes, but you rarely see that many torps in CA/BB games, so you may be
trading this out a lot. Deck armor is vital for CA/BB games, as that's all about
dropping long range fire onto your ship, while Belt armor is more necessary in games
with smaller vessels, so this is another trade-off.

A note, though on deck armor. Deck armor is far heavier than other kinds of armor
(less efficient), so it really eats up the tonnage. You'll also note that there are only
TWO uses for massive amounts of deck armor... Dive Bombers and plunging fire.
Since anyone who is HA or firing from long range is using AP ammo, deck armor is
actually rather useless against these opponents, and only your Soft defense is
helping you at all. Deck armor does keep the Dive Bomber damage to a minimum,

As an experiment, try playing with only 1-2 inches of deck armor, and dump the
remainder into bulge and belt. You'll become more vulnerable to airplane attacks,
but no more vulnerable to most gunfire. In return, your newfound resilience to
torpedoes and close range gunfire will surprise and frustrate a great many people.

  • Re : Tips for the Nevada

    12. 12. 2005 08:37

Who tells you this horrible information?Triple 14's are one of the worst guns in the
usa nation period.Best guns for neveda would be Triple 12 Ls if you dont mind have
2 binds on the in side guns.

  • Re : Tips for the Nevada

    12. 12. 2005 07:37

If you have another BO on the Brooklyn line, I'd use that guy until your gunners get to
level 66, since that is when you can get the decent 14" triples. (the Mk 10s, which are
the only ones with acceptable range)

  • Re : Tips for the Nevada

    12. 12. 2005 02:18

hmmm srt4 used the neveda ask him .But i would suggest to use your CA till penny
or tenny lol
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