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U.S Navy


  • Possible SS4 Discussion

    02. 17. 2009 15:40


I'd like to open the floor to discussions about the possibilities available to the US navy
for their SS4 and possible SS3 Remodels.

As you all know our selection of boats thus far has been rather dismal. The O Type is a
First World War vintage class. The S Type is a late WWI and interwar type. And the
Barracuda is an interwar type. The question now is whether this trend will continue into
our SS4 or whether the designers will shift their focus to a standard mid or late war boat
such as the Gato.

In the former case the most likely options in my mind are the Argonaut/Narwhal boats or
perhaps the Dolphin/Cachalot boats. The Argonaut/Narwhal would be my preferred choice in
this case. They were large boats with plenty of tonnage and armament as well as the
ability to carry mines. And, while they had horrible maneuverability, they were still
quite capable. If these don't turn out to be our SS4 I hope they might be included as
remodels to our current SS3s.

The later case seems the most likely since the P through Gato classes made up the bulk of
the US Navy's submarine force throughout most of the war and were the most successful. As
experience has shown us ship lines are, for the most part, finished off by the most
modern/large vessels in the nations inventory. This trend favors the late war boats since
it's almost certain that the Germans will get their Type XXI Elektroboote and the Japanese
will get one of their aircraft carrying vessels(hopefully the I-400) since both have been
made out to be trademark boats for each respective navy.

I would like to start a poll but since this forum has no option available to normal
posters I will have to improvise. Please list what you feel will be the most likely choice
for the US SS4 and why. I will attempt to keep up and post the scores on the OP.

Argonaut - 0
Narwhal - 0
Dolphin - 0
Cachalot - 0
P Class - 0
Salmon/Sargo - 0
Tambor - 0
Gato - 2

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    02. 13. 2010 09:44

Old thread, necro, lock, don't do it again, etc.

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    02. 13. 2010 08:31

erm... what's all this about the various SS4 possibilities ? US SS4 is going to be the
Cachalot ... other nations won't do better either, KM is getting a suckage SS aswell so... -.-

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    02. 13. 2010 03:58

My vote is easily the Gato. its supremely awesome and not too over powered like
the trench or balao class. BUT, if I had to pick an altenate i would say the balao.
Both are excellent subs, 6 tubes forward, 4 aft, cant go wrong with that. I justw
anta kno whwtat lvl the ss4 is gona be

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    08. 09. 2009 00:51

It is very selfish IMHO to want to have SSs deleted only because you are a BB player. NF
is hosting all kinds of needs. One desires to be a hunter one a pray.

Either the way I just can't wait for SS4 to emerge.

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 17:41

I have to laugh at the deletion bit.

You'd think that everyone would understand that by this point...months in with 3 subs per
nation...that they won't be deleting subs any time soon. They'll go when NF goes...not before.

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 17:22

lol @ deleting SS -_-

fix them yes

delete them?
that's silly

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 17:08

I hope no more SS and delete the SS1 , SS2 and SS3 because this is a bad idea for
BB's player

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 16:26

Take my opinion with 2 cents but heres what I believe will be the SS4/5s for each nation...

Option 1
SS4- Narwhal class
SS5- Gato/Balao class

Option 2
SS4- Gato/Balao class
SS5- Tench class

SS4- Type IX
SS5- Type XXI

SS4- B1(or 3) class
SS5- Sen Toku(I-400) class
Although the Sen Taka(I-200) class would be really cool as it was the fastest submarine in
the world at the time underwater(even faster than the Germans Type- XXI O.o although I
smell the makings of unbalance there)

RN: Hard to tell but either...
Option 1
SS4- River class
SS5- T class

Option 2
SS4- T class
SS5- Amphion(no not Amphibian =.=) but this sub was just plain cool...and big =D

But like I said, what the hell do I know?

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 13:26

SDE has rarely done a good job at balancing things by themselves. Pretty much the "least
worst balanced" things are the BB4, most of the other stuff was terribly balanced in one
way or other; see KM 11", USN and IJN 14", Moltke, etc. etc.

  • Re : Possible SS4 Discussion

    04. 15. 2009 13:19

Years of experience with stuff brought by SDE tells me there will be a lot more unbalance
than balance.
1 2 3 4