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U.S Navy


  • BVE torpedomen

    08. 17. 2009 23:51

For a US SS line, is it worth it to BVE torpedomen?

I have a lvl 78 on the fwd mounts and roughly 85% (if that) of my torpedoes actualy go off
when they impact a target. So i guess the question im asking is will boosting the
torpedomen actually help lower the failure rate or are US torpedomen doomed to failure?

  • Re : BVE torpedomen

    08. 18. 2009 01:18

thank you all, i appreciate the insight.

  • Re : BVE torpedomen

    08. 18. 2009 01:02

Torpedo reload is capped at 50%, and the cap is ridiculously easy to hit (as in, 50's).
BVE will just let you shave off sailors, which does save some weight on your sub, which
in turn does help a little. Combined with skeletonizing your BO (which you should do in
any case), it can save you quite a bit of space, especially since you'll need it to keep
your Planesman and Sonarman topped up (don't know the caps for those, but they're
considerably higher).

  • Re : BVE torpedomen

    08. 18. 2009 00:50

BVE will only help them reload faster (or if they're capped, allow you to take off
rookies). The duds are inherent in how sub torps work (at this time, anyway).

  • Re : BVE torpedomen

    08. 18. 2009 00:49

BVE is always worth it!
