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U.S Navy


  • Anti Sub

    08. 19. 2009 10:41

What's the best ship for anti sub and hedge hog equip? Oh and is it just the BO that's
restricted to lvl 60 for Blitz or is it all the Crew that has to stay under lvl 60 for use
in Blitz?

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 23. 2009 21:59

I have used a Pensacola (CA) for ASW ... you just have to watch for the torp launch,
and they usually don't expect a 4x HH launch from you. I mount 4 on each side, but
never carry more than a 2nd reload as the reload time is horrible.

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 23. 2009 13:13

Atlanta would be ideal if it weren't for the horrible arcs. I'd personally go with a
Cleveland or Brooklyn. If the sub is submerges, you cna see him and HH him to
death with the 2 second detonation time. If he surfaces, gun him down.

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 22. 2009 23:04

I suggest you to sneak at Lord kelvin Harbor and get his Brooklyn or cleveland but
watch for
traps,you may not know what there is. Finally, you got a good ASW ship. =p

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 22. 2009 22:16

If use Cleeveland, you can carry normal guns on R turrets and HH on Ts.
4 turrets will do enough if you can aim well, and if not, you still have 2 more turrets
on the other side.

You can do same thing in Balti, but can`t see SSs if they dived.

Cleeveland is the best choice for anti-ship/sub multi roller.

If you use DC, Somers is the best, Fletcher the second.

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 22. 2009 08:55

I would say Brooklyn got a buch of t slots that arnt used for torps. but my personal ASW
is a FF-Y mainsly because its the only ship in the game where I CAN put DC @ the back of
my ship like IRL so I dont blow my self up with my own DC. and use the 4 gunslots as HH
and other T slots as side torps.


  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 20. 2009 22:41

"Omaha is fast,
but as a SS captain, I find ships that size are easy to hit. I would rather go with
something smaller, though if your crew is higher level than the lack of bulge could

HHs means you can stay out of ss range and still kill them. Although if you want to go
dcs, then you might need to consider smaller ships. But Omaha's nice speed means you can
still get on top of that SS if your good at it.

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 19. 2009 11:22

Blitz limits do apply to anyone on the crew.

Even if you are anti-sub, I wouldn't want to give up my gun slots. Anti-sub never
lasts a full game. I really enjoyed it in the Fletcher or a smaller ship. Omaha is fast,
but as a SS captain, I find ships that size are easy to hit. I would rather go with
something smaller, though if your crew is higher level than the lack of bulge could

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 19. 2009 11:21

Stickies exist for this reason. Read and understand.

  • Re : Anti Sub

    08. 19. 2009 11:18

Best US ship for Hedgehogs? I'd suggest the Atlanta or its remods, that ship has a ton of
gun mounts.

Just be prepared to pay out of the arse for Hedgehogs, each salvo will cost around...a
lot. You'll end up losing a ton of money each game. Not sure if the ammunition was lowered
in price, though, since the last time I tried HHs.

Best non-Hedgehog ASW ship....Personally, I like the Omaha, despite its pathetic T-slot.
It goes fast, even with bulge/bulkhead.