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U.S Navy


  • UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 04:18

i just noticed... UK has 1 more support slot per tier of US BB.... this will make it much
harder for me to level...

Planned Line:

put 2 reps 2 eng 1 scout on support, other eng and rep on t slot??

other rep moves to support...

other eng moves to support slot....

^probably wont get past norcal...

thoughts? tips? would be nice..


  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 24. 2009 00:52

rofl.. he just realized that.. haha****laughs head off****
L2 has the support slots of a bb6....
for US?? aaing now is a must............
too many 110ish CVs that are worthless anyway...
saw one CV like that. sent bombers 1st rather than ftrs.. outcome of the battle??
we lost....

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 02. 2009 16:13

2 BOs is the way to go. I would recommend taking a 16" BB (Colorado or tenny) and a 14" BB
(Penny or New Mex) and deciding which suits your play style better. I know it seems like
alot of work to start over but its worth it in the end.

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 02. 2009 15:31

Lvl 2 BO's, one for each line... Unless you want to buy new crew everytime you reach
the next tier.

2 BO's lets you keep your gunners ahead of both BO's, gets you all the supports you
need and you get to experience both lines.

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 02. 2009 14:46

Well if you suck at AA you might as well not carry it.

I only carry AA if I feel like there isn't enough non-Bomber only CVs on. I'd rather let
the CVs get their credits than me getting 30k person credits in AA and only 20k attack.....

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 17:58

Yup.And most of us dont use AA. So another 2 slots.

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 17:41

idiot's guide to us crews.

bb1: 4 eng+scout on supports, 2 reps on t
bb2/3: 4 eng+1rep+scout on supports, 2 reps on t
bb4: 4 eng+2rep+scout on supports, 2 aa gunners on t
bb5: 4 eng+3rep+scout on supports, 2 aa gunners on t
bb6: add something -.-

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 17:19

did u also find out that KM has more range than US BB?

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 15:53

Schist lol! You fail xD

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 15:33

uk was my first bb line, after cv line. now im thinking for us bb (norcal) orginally i
went UK for the vangod, which im 10 levels from (havent bought premium, ever.)

  • Re : UK has more support slots than US BB?

    09. 01. 2009 08:07

You only NOW realize that? It's their national freaking advantage...
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