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U.S Navy


  • portland ---> bogue...

    01. 01. 2010 12:25

hey guys, i was wondering if you can take the portland and still get a cv? ive
heard that you cant but not sure.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 08:30

OK, enough is enough.

You have your answer, but as I said, you need to learn how to search for answers
yourself. What you asked was a very basic question that at least 90% of the user base
would have no problem finding the answer for themselves, and asking such questions
while acting as arrogant and self-righteous as you have does not benefit anybody at
all, least of all yourself. If this is how you approach simple ship tree questions, then you
won't get far in the game.

Locked. Don't try to pull stuff like this again.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 08:24

if you make two 90 degree turns and double back on yourself, you're breaking the first
rule (You can only go right) by going to the left.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 03:47

Bogue teaches how to kill yourself.

Take the Portland (mark 14 L's >>>> mark 13 L's on the New Orleans) and grind your way to
a Indy, preferably the Yorktown.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 02:20

y skip bogue. bogue teach how to be a good cv driver.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 01:45

Not Really trying to be a butthead. Just need a straight answer every once in a
while, and I've asked numerous
others who aren't sure either... And then there's kelvin who makes fun of me for
asking a genuine question.

Btw, can u make more than one 90 degree turn in a row? I'd like to finish my
shiplone with a Fletcher and level
120 acc gunners please

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 02. 2010 00:47

lol.. i was about to post a bunch of websites iI have on my favorites to help out, but as
I read down further and further and saw what a butthead you are.. Meh.. I'll pass on that

later and good luck

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 01. 2010 18:33

if you cant draw a straight line with a few 90 degree turns, you dont deserve a direct answer.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 01. 2010 17:28

By being stubborn you will go no where.

And for a strait answer, yes you can still get the Bogue from the Portland.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 01. 2010 16:29

Yes, though you'd probably be better off with a New Orleans. It may look uglier than the
Portland, but it's a lot better than it in every other category.

  • Re : portland ---> bogue...

    01. 01. 2010 16:04

thanks ricky. to you other 2... no help at all
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