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U.S Navy


  • Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 07. 2006 07:49

Looking over the choices before me, I'm trying to see a reason why the
Pennsylvania might be a viable choice for a battleship. Sure, it's a level lower than
the Tennessee and it's got a slight advantage in structural strength and AAW value,
but it's worse on HE and AP defense, holds one less bind of ammo, and costs more
to repair.

The drawbacks seem more of a reason NOT to choose Penn over Tenn. Is it's slight
adantage in powerplant size really useful or something? Any vets out there see a
good reason to use a Pennsylvania? Or has anyone ever taken one?

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    09. 24. 2009 21:47

May this thread RIP.

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    09. 23. 2009 18:35

This thread is almost 4 years old...

When this thread was made, there was no shared exp. Every single last bit of your exp
came from personal performance in All Welcome or BB-game environments. The Penn
did 21/27 max, and...US was horrible until BB2, and then horrible again at
yes..You aren't playing the same game we were playing in 2006.

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    09. 23. 2009 17:39

65 to 69 grind wasnt hard for me =/
14'' L with light in A and heavy in B works well. just gotta get the right timing like
when ur enemies are blind, rape them, if they gets close enough, fire a salvo of
lights and immediately switch to heavy, and BOOM BOOM BOOM. most of the time i
ended up dead but the team wins the game and i gets lots of exp for attacking a BB.

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 09. 2006 13:57

You will get more exp and do more damage with the 16" Vs the 12" (Bigger shell =
better exp. Also if you just hit a few times you do WAY more damage than if you hit
twice the number of shells)

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 09. 2006 06:49

> So ur saying that a Oak can outrange NH line BBs!?

Only if the NH line actually used the 14" guns they were designed to have. But they
don't. NOBODY uses the US 14" guns. Nobody. They stay with the triple 12" gun,
which was meant for the Alaska/Guam and is fairly competitive on range.

Anyway, I've got a thread on increasing the range of the US 14" guns in the
Suggestion forum. (recommend it please) If NF upped the ranges of these weapons
to roughly what the 12" guns or 8" L guns (Mk 12/13/14/16) are, then people would
use them.

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 09. 2006 04:26

The HE and AP armor values are price and weight multipliers for your armor.

HE value is for deck and AP for belt...

So a high HE value lead to expensive deck and cumbersome deck armor.

another example: if a ship has 500 AP and anohter one has 1000 the first ships armor will
be twice as cheap and weight half of the latter.

Babs out!

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 09. 2006 01:12

So ur saying that a Oak can outrange NH line BBs!? Wow, gotta start playing with
them :D

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 08. 2006 08:54

Are you kidding? Many of the 14" guns have less range than the 5/54 guns ! And
none of them even meet the range of the 8" L guns.

Yes, TNF has decided that the primary armament of most USN ships during ww2 (14"
guns) are in fact completely useless. Thus US battleships are condemned to using
triple 12" guns until they can mount the dual 16" Mk2 guns, skipping all 14" guns

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 08. 2006 08:43

Wow, that's just insane.

  • Re : Any use for the Pennsylvania?

    02. 08. 2006 08:13

The triple 14 (all sets) have less range than even the triple 12.
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