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U.S Navy


  • BB or CV

    11. 07. 2005 09:19

I always wondered, should I get an Aircraft Carrier or a heavy battleship. What is
best for the American line?

  • Re : BB or CV

    11. 08. 2005 06:19

BB is not cheaper....

it seems cheaper since the armor cost isnt in the buying price. When you buy a CV you only need an engine and an FCS.

When you buy a BB you also need to armor your ship and armor costs at much as the ship itself.

babs out!

  • Re : BB or CV

    11. 08. 2005 03:15

Yes, the BB is cheaper, but the CV is not only more deadly, but it gains u MUCH more cash

  • Re : BB or CV

    11. 08. 2005 02:06

I think the BB is better. It's cheaper and offers more weapons. You just need a lot of
AAA shells and you are good to go to defend against attacks from CVs.

  • Re : BB or CV

    11. 07. 2005 13:17

get both my friend. and this is how u do it.

1) use ur main bo and lvl him up and go to brook line.
2) make a neut (new) salior
3) keep him on board in torp slot
4) lvl him up to lvl 50 (dont make him nation until 50, jus leave him alone till 50)
5) along the way make sure to either buy pilots or make more neuts and lvl them up too.

this strat is wat most ppl do. cuase A) u get the money making brook vs the expenisve
north hampton. B) u get the best BBs on brook line AND a money making CV. C) goes with B,
play a certain style depending on ur mood.

  • Re : BB or CV

    11. 07. 2005 13:08

i put up a post like this a couple days ago and no1 responded.