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  • True or False?

    11. 12. 2005 10:23

Well i look on and on german tree have one bb name H44 but i
never see that and one cv Europe is this true or false i never see both.

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 14. 2005 06:13

or they could possibly use italian ships...

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 18:15

KM had a bunch of DD Models but less captial ships CL+, even the whole z-plan is
currently integrated, and the z99 has the specc from the DD1945, so it's not
fake..don't know what kind of ship they could bring out as new ship, maybe one of
the captured dutch or italian cruiser

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 15:35

i hope they have 4+ R mounts.... ps/p is annoing me with only 2 R mounts :P

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 04:26

I guess they will just put some "fake" ships in it, like the Z99. I don't really care if a
ship actually existed, as long as it looks nice and realistic.

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 04:04

oh nw CL´s and CA´s ?

but wich class ?

kriegsmarine havent got more different ships ... k-berg classs , hipper class
,deutschland class and bismarck class ... or they put in some more "Project" ships :)

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 03:52

the ship is real but has not yet been released

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 13. 2005 03:36

this game's going retail? you mean, pay to play?

if that happens, i ain't playing this one...i just started...


  • Re : True or False?

    11. 12. 2005 20:42

pcgamer was in around it for a bit a month or so ago, i have yet to see an article for
it though.

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 12. 2005 17:53

Heh, you really think it's going retail in December? They need to get some American
reviews on it first, hardly anyone knows about it.

  • Re : True or False?

    11. 12. 2005 15:41

seeing there less then a month to retail i think not,and lets hope they dont have the same
DD bug as the NEw dd's did at the start of them.
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