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  • DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 10:07

i currently have a lvl 55 Prinz Eugen with lvl 57 10/10 gunners

is it worth to continiu on this line because i also have a lvl 36 BO going for PS

now should i go on with PE or train my Bo for DL? i am going to pay for this game so
thats no objection for reaching bigger ships

only asking this to people who are allready at high lvl

  • Re : DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 20:52

I highly recommend u to start a new bo. Its fun, and ps line is so much fun, plus all around better. Go for it.

  • Re : DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 10:55

10:10 will be 2 levels worse than a 11:11, comparing both on ~level 60, at level 90
this will increase to 3 levels.

So I doubt that it would be good to replace the level 57 gunners considering the EXP
you would have to gain again...

  • Re : DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 10:24

thx guys

i allready heard lots of high lvl players say that PS line is better at BC/BB lvl while
hipper lin can be considered better at CA lvl (low lvl CA that is)

so i will go on training my BO for DL line. DL is a good ship when you can handle the

other question: my gunners are lvl 57 (will be around 60 when i reach DL). Will
10/10 be enough for all big guns or should i try to buy some high 11/11 guns?

  • Re : DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 10:16

Sounds good.

If you plan on playing for longer (and wanting to get a DL after Hipper implies that)
you will find O better than Gnei and O2 better than biz, so at level 68 you will have
more fun on PS line.

If your gunners have more than 100% skill it will be no problem.

  • Re : DL or continiu on hipper line

    11. 25. 2005 10:11

Lots of high-level people say that it's best to go Hipper first, then get a BO for D-Land
since your gunners will be high enough to use it well by the time you get it.